progress report, the field should be done in a few weeks, will get a shot-curtain--the owners are not penny pinchers--it will be first class--if they...
Couldn't imagine how many years in the lock up I would face in Ca, NY & or NJ--got an FN-57 with 30 rd mags, hollow point ammo in 45 & 9mm, a M1...
This gun has been around the country 3 times, finally got it back--it may keep my old arthritic body in the game longer, it is accompanied with a...
Dropped by the club today, the work on the trap-combo is getting into gear, will be pouring concrete next week
I've lost about 15 lbs, now my bead alignment isn't straight on, the mid-bead is right of the front bead--I believe I should move the comb to the...
No need for head winds; however wicked crossing winds might make the need for a little more speed, especially if you're an old fart like most trap...
The Dem's lawyer Goldman's mom is a heir to Levi Strauss, another reason for not buying anything LEVI--besides their anti gun stance
She goes to prostate specialist for her pap smear--she is in violation of DOT reg's--no wide load sign on her butt an no pass with caution chase car
Trouble is I shoot a release/pull & my LOP is 13 3/4" been playing with my 682, took all the washers out, just got back from the clays --F them...
He traded it in on a Seitz O/U--got rid of that Seitz for a Krieghoff- has about 3 Infinty's/DeVaults
A shooter I know went to an estate sale several years ago, a Silver Seitz was being offered, the auctioneer stated the gun doesn't work He got the...
A shooting bud had a Lujtic stolen years ago, he got a call from the NYPD-they said do you own a LooJa Tick,ser #----, he said yes and flew to NYC to...
Most likely some "nuts" got called "dead"--
Was watching the impeachment farce, when Rep Johnson a Dem, was quoting the transcript of Pres. Trump's Jul call--he read it -" the word "US" was...
Sure hope the 682 had a release trigger, if it did , time for an underwear change or a trip to the morgue
Since the property was owned by the State Of Illinois, all work done on State owned property must be done by union labor and or if not union, "...
Will start pouring concrete next week, Tom & the office staff @ RR are taking another cruise next week, taking off in the heart of snowbird...
Starting to try shooting sporting clays--got a682 Gold E with a DeVault stock & Delrin rib, with a Spears release--thinking of getting my old...
I told him, blue locktite is now you best friend, he shot a 92 from the 27 -the gun has 30" barrels--I see a 34" single barrel for it pretty quickly
Talking about Kolar service, got the triggers changed to double release-the triggers were back in his hands in a week The gun has a really slim...
Its a 2 year test drive, the Seitz went to the bone yard as a trade for the Kolar--I kinda think, the Krieghoff is next on the chopping block
A shooting bud of mine just got a new Kolar with double release Well first time our of the box-no patterning ,no practice,--runs 100 straight in...
Nothing new, will take a look see next week, want to see if my skid of ammo is ordered or there
Just like drugs -guns are sold on almost every street corner in the inner cities-and the gov't doesn't get a penny of tax--Vat Schmucks, must live in...
Well, it looks like Tacoma, will be a gun store free zone in the near future--Tacoma wants to place a $25.00 tax on all gun sales and 5 cent per...
By the way does anyone know what style targets the Silver $ are currently using- I was on a bank 4 Sun. , got zero sky targets-they looked all...
I believe he will stick with Lawry's--he told me he threw over 4 million targets, between sporting , crazy quail & 5 stand with that amount of lead...
Many years ago, went to visit family members in Ca, went to Redlands-they threw green targets--I was told all my lens were worthless-needed blue or...
Lawrys are OK, many years ago I was bad mouthing Lawrys, something fierce-- their rep contacted me & made me an offer that I could not reuse--Harlan...
Left my house @ 7:15 this morning drove 80 miles to shoot some registered targets Witnessed the targets being set, tried several different lenses...
Helping a local club build 3 new trap fields, recommended BRB voice releases, will most likely using a mix of wired & wireless Always liked ERADS,...
Bernie grew up in my old neighbor in Brooklyn,, In the old days any college that was part of the city college system was free, admissions was based...
So right--lets do a dna test on their kids- that are not their kids
Been subject to back problems for over 20 years, if you care this is what worked for me: 1) hooked up with an orthopedic surgeon , who treated the...
I shooter I know had a Ljutic stolen--he gets a call from the NYPD--they say did you own a LOOJTOCK #---, he says yes- they say" got your gun--when...
Guess Pelosi, forgot about the press waiting on the beach for our SEALS to land in Somalia I'm a retired US Navy Submariner, during WWll, a...
Question for the day ? "Who is Michelle's Gynocologist" most likely it's a Prostate--specialist--we had our First Trans-Testicle in the White House
Buy stock in adult size depends, when the Durham s--t storm hits the Dems, there is going to be a run on DEPENDS--they will be sold @ premium...
The lady's room in the Capital is full, so Tulsi Gabbard decides to use the mens' room, she is standing in front of an urinal and in walks Mitch...
You are 100% all orange targets really sux, when u can see them they are nothing but orange streaks gotta shoot what they throw
Just got off the phone with Wayne, next time I'm @ the club I try my purples-- everyone's eyes are different--really hate solid orange targets--if...
Going to the Silver $ for the"shoot For The Cure" shoot, they will be throwing pink targets--what color lens will work with pink targets? Thanx guys
Went to shoot today, the club I was @ was throwing solid orange targets, was wearing a dark pink lens on my Ranger edge glasses--lots of white clouds...
Per the Fl ATA delegate, only one field is required to hold an ATA registered shoot, didn't like what I heard at TV club meeting--better have @...
Yep, you're right--its a big loss for the shooting community and our military
After seeing many people ask about refinishing guns--guys check out ROBAR, their finishes and lube processes put everything out there to shame They...
Is there a minimum # of fields that a club must have in order to shoot ATA--A small club in NC that used to shoot ATA had just two fields--Can a one...
Just got $100.00 today--too bad the recent batch of AA's suck lots of light hits--this may be the last AA's for me
Just got a message , video attachment from the mgr/owner--machinery is current clearing & grading the new fields--its going to happen
Right off of exit 321 on !-75 near the Coleman Fed prison
Separate names with a comma.