The real bitch is the venue they use, its not close to a level playing field if you draw a lousy bank--save your $-
all I know is what the mgr told me -three courses, + crazy quail & five stand
Its not a small club, they're getting into trap--they threw 4 million sporting clays last year--they need some direction, if they want to listen
Mark what range were you at ? The field @ Sumterville, is a work in progress--not ATA certified at all Dave , I had to lower my hold below the back...
They're lucky if they have the zone, but IMHO--you have to be nuts to shoot in Fl in July---
Let me know the worst field you ever shot on--just for s--ts and giggles and why it stunk
Checked my contract--Pat Traps are spec'd, also I've been informed that Promatic have an inherent "slower" pull when compared to a Pat trap--if I...
Joe Goldberg ,(( Tracy Latham (Cindy DeVault)) if they're stick working & in business together
You got it, again the Promatic IMHO is a POS for trap
They did not run 110v to the trap house , now I know why they went with promatic, the other day the machine crapped out & the trapper had to hook up...
Sumterville,Fl @ Blackjack Sporting Clays--the field is a work in progress , &&& the rate is $8.00/25 targets
Tried shooting again @ the sporting clays place that opened up a trap/skeet combo field No wind at all and every other target heights were...
The local sporting clays field has their combo trap/skeet semi- ready--no voice calls for now No sky targets at all-lots going right at trees and...
The club has to pay a fee on CC use, just like all businesses that accept CC's--Robinson Ranch accepts CC's they charge a % more if you use it
The CEO of Aflac has donated 1 million to fight covid and another person Jack Dorsey has donated 1/4 of his vast wealth to fight cover Looks like...
Trouble is I shoot release triggers, and my old 391 is shoots sporting clays great & I won a lot with it before going to the Infinity--should have...
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, a car that is drop dead beautiful, but won't start is a piece of s--t, --its just load of scrap metal
The trap field is up and running @ Blackjack, but based on what I heard the target setters have to learn what to do & I really want to shoot but its...
Haven't touched any shotgun since Mar 14, may have to go to shotgun shooting 101 & see a hypnotist-to remember what trapshooting looks like when this...
Tell me about about it I got into a pissing contest with one of their pet dealers, who sold me a broken gun & got banned for life--no big loss-@...
Nora Ross, told me, she knew a lot of Kentucky shooters who never shot any ATA targets, and if they wanted to, they could go to the Grand and clean...
Had a day tank on the boat, polished all fuel that was going to be used in engines and gen sets prior to moving the boat -did 30,000 miles without...
Talking about selling guns I had a 3200 Live Bird gun with 28" barrels never shot it , it had the same engraving as a Browning Midas But the real...
I used an auxiliary electric pump to help prime my injectors when we lived on a boat, it pushed right past the lift pump, small electric pump from...
Ordered a battery for my cell phone on e bay--the co was in N Ca, uber chg in frisco--ya think ?
Its been 8 years since one of my credit cards was hacked I live in Fl ,didn't know I could use an Uber in SanFrancisco yesterday Don't own a F-18
Prayers on the way
That place is in the middle of f--n nowhere, why would anyone with their head together go shoot in the middle of no where- could build a great...
Talking about holding the grand in the middle of shits creek, if Leo was closer to a real medical facility he might have survived with a stroke the...
You haven't lived till you shot in 100+ heat index, in Fl summer really starts May 1--that when the snowbird migration is in high gear--in Fl you...
I don't have numbers, all I know the Fl chain shoot has gone away and I been to several clubs , and it referring to ATA, you can't get a punch in Fl...
I will say that Fl trap shooting is dying, the owner of Robinson Ranch, said trap shooting is down 25%, it been replaced by crazy quail, FITASC & 5...
The ATA isn't goughing me, they don't have enough close shooting in Fl-- can't expect to shoot well, if u have to spend many hours to get to a shoot
You're so right did not set foot in the Silver Dollar for the S.Grand, I'm not chasing All American points, theses shoots like the Grand are a sucker...
There is a young Al American trapshooter, who got a college shooting scholarship,he told me its not too hard to make hundreds of dollars every...
Florida trap shooting is IMHO, run by one club, the Silver Dollar-unlike Ohio I have to drive 100 miles roundtrip to my primary club and 150 miles...
I live in The Villages,Fl--the sporting clays club that is hosting the even t is 15 minutes from my house--I'm not a sporting clays shooter--the club...
A local sporting clays club will be hosting the Florida State shoot which was changed to be held in Dec--here's a listing of some of the prizes-K-80...
Sorry guys, it was my lousy attempt of some humor, but on the other hand there's gonna be some new millionaires down in the hollow turning shine into...
Been thru it, never stayed--no reason to stay
W.VA, is the only state without the virus--maybe nobody wants to go there & the residents are too poor to leave--safety in poverty
Its amazing the FTA wanted to hold the state shoot but a Chicago based REIT (ELS) pulled the plug, might have had a little push from Pritzger & the...
Heard that at the last meeting of the EC, that the ATA will require all orange targets--is this true or BS ?
Guess the FTA is smarter than the CDC, who say no gatherings of more than 50 persons, will the FTA ban shooters from Broward County, which is...
Don't be a schmuck--look at the casinos, who pays for them--losers--how do I know --I was an electrical contractor in NJ & built a few casinos--its a...
I live in The Villages, all entertainment in the town squares, all movie theaters and parades have been cancelled--I would not be surprised that the...
I have a skid of the B&P 100 flats
IN Spades--frookem --amen
Ocala ,Fl--I'm talking zero,Estates,AA'S,Super Targets, STS&Nitro's, even the crap Federal Grands and the 4 packs all gonzo
Went to a local Walmart, no target ammo, shelves bare--hope I don't have to start reloading again,
Separate names with a comma.