Does anyone know how far from the 16 yd line , is the shot curtain @ the Cardinal Center ? A new range is thinking about installing one and they...
Same here, hope the processing doesn't go right into the s--tcab
The Israeli's have come out with the ultimate crowd control weapon--Its non-toxic, but its liquid stench that is sprayed out of a water canon & it...
Looks like Remington is going bankrupt again--If I get my rebate, it will be a miracle-sent my form on day one of eligibility
I, will liquidate all my equities,keep all my tax free muni's and will not pay one cent of taxes to a Demo-rat gov't--I'm retired @ 77 yrs of age I...
Thats why I'm going to plan B, waiting on the new barrel & furniture
Good luck Tim, willing to bet you will most likely draw more Fl shooters than the $, if Covid doesn't get a second wind
My Trap guns all shoot above 80/20--I'm now talking about a sporting gun-if you are shooting @ a rising target why would anyone want a gun whose shot...
Plan B, since I have a complete spare receiver, with a good trigger, bolt release--I've decided to get a 28" sporting barrel (new) and a used...
I've see some Kemens that Dennis worked , they appeared to be beautiful guns
Tim will try and make it to Alabama, before I croak--but the heat in Fl/Alabama/ Mississippi in the summer just plain kicks my ole ass Will do my...
I'm 77, got 3 dedicated trap guns-just trying sporting clays for s--ts & giggles--do not want to buy a dedicated sporting gun--really don't care for...
The bottom end ,the gun shoots 80/20--everything else goes higher Briley will make an Excentrix choke & it will shoot 55/45--now the Big ?--its...
according to the military 16-32 oz of water/hr--also water intake should be 50% of your body weight on a daily basis--water temp is not important--if...
Its summer and shooting can be quite difficult in high heat & humidity areas. Guys go to a US military health site--enter...
Thanx guys-When Dennis made my guns for me, he told me the rib adjustment from top to bottom would be 70%-100%, without moving the comb--and what...
I'm sticking with this 391, has a release trigger & I have a complete receiver with a release in it, just in case something craps out
The Silver Dollar's strings are being pulled by the powers that be that are headquartered in Chicago,by the way spoke to a shooting bud of mine who...
Will be calling Briley today, for one of their EXcentrix chokes
Thanx for the help guys-looks like I'll buy a sporting 391-
I got a Devault 391, Elite conversion- with the rib all the way up and the comb bottomed out its shooting 70/30 the rib is 7/8" in the front & 3/8"...
Hope I don't have to open my spam cans with 30-06 AP in enbloc-clips with bandoliers--if that happens we 're in deep poop
Got my Fn 57, with 30 rd mags, and my ole M!-carbine with 30 rd mags--all loaded with stopping ammo
After the recent events , no sane person should question the need for high capacity magazines !!
Had to bring my Infinity to 140%--its lock time is 3x's that of a Seitz--Seitz lock time ,0015---Infinity lock time .0005
If it happens great-hope I can hit the road side of a barn by then
Heard yesterday, while I was shooting @ RR, that the Fl State Shoot is looking to happen in the second week of Oct. 2020 Way better than July--temp...
DTL, sounds like a lot of fun--by the way I follow an Australian shooter Russell Marks and his website Go of good advice
could get 7/12's, I would have liked 1 oz # 8's
Remington STS rebate is in effect now--Bass Pro selling STS light target @ $6.99 + free shipping --50 box limit for rebate--comes to $4.99 after...
How the hell are they going to maintain social distancing for squadding & cashiering ? Anyone wanna bet the Grand is history for this year, major...
A local club got a Pro-matic Matrix machine, does anyone know what degree angle on theplate on that machine should be also, looking for a...
I've gone between Kick-ezz rockers & Kicke-ezz modified trap & Gooey pads Gooey for comfort, Kick-ezz modified trap for consistent mount--but I'm...
Dave one of the trappers found several cases of real trap/skeet targets--no smoke, but they broke way better and flew a lot better--solid orange...
Ron, not bitching--in July they would have maybe 75 shooters, in Dec .,300 shooters--I passed out from the heat about 40 years ago--very susceptible
Really hope they would reschedule to Dec, better weather
Just read the NC state shoot has been postponed--no news as to a future date One of the better state shoots
Gooey pads are great, but if you get two years out of them in the Fl heat, you're doing good
Noticed they are throwing Lawry Sporting Targets, per the Lawry website " sporting clay targets are heavier & denser than trap/skeet targets-designed...
Been there on Tues. twice, its a cluster F--got to alternate games with the skeeters--not fair a round of skeet takes at least twice as long as a...
Went there today, on Tues. we have to share the field with skeeters on a Tues. What a cluster F--!!, Five trapshooters shoot 25 targets each, then...
Who shut you down? By the way if they had a low power gun it wouldn't work from the 16 yd line & if they got it read 40mph, its throwing targets way...
Don't travel much either, tried to make it to the Alabama State shoot twice, but the weather was too risky for a 400 mile + drive--furthest I drive...
Just got back from the field, had the trapper put in some lime green targets, whats difference--no streaking, ran a box The machine is a Pro-matic...
All I know about Pa, is hear say, there was a bank or two that the out of town newbies got suckered into--don't know if its true or not
Bernie used to love shooting with u in NC
Just got an e-mail from the FTA--they are planning for Jul 24-26, but won't confirm anything till June 20
As they would in the navy--that's a no s--ter men & bank 6 is way better, @ least you can shoot an OK score there, but your score would have been...
What's a 10 bird money shoot
Bank 6 sux, also I was shooting behind Leo & the Federal squad a few years go Leo was on post 1 on bank 4 , golf side & I'm referring to the GOLF...
Separate names with a comma.