Thanx guys-just took my stash of STS's into the house--will be saving them for shoots-where scores mean something
Well the other week I had a brand new factory STS, where the wad left the barrel and today I had 3 light hits from STS new shells Question I keep...
Yeah-a Grand Slam @ the Grand, & its his second Grand Slam--WELL DONE-super shoot !!!
New price $2600.00 or pm 635 G
Wow, he's gonnna have to rent a u-haul for all the bling he won Some shooting--great job--it will stand for a long time
I can try and post pictures-its perfect--got a hi-viz $350 shipped also go an extra comb for the high rib that would be $250.00
If anyone wants an Ultra Rib for an Infinity I have one 11/4" in the back goes from 70% -100%
Got approx 1100 STS (green) in central Fl
I'll take a picture and fwd it to you--you are my picture posting GURU, it will have to be next week--they're shut down for maintenance
What I'm getting at if you drill @ one field 4 days a week & the field is messed up, IMHO imagine a TJ wall chart & all the targets and points are...
Well, guys everyone has been reading about my episodes of shooting at club that stinks. It stinks for the following reasons: 1) lousy background 2)...
I hope Pres.Trump if he makes his acceptance @ Gettysburg, paraphrases the address of Col. Joshua Chamberlain--it really brings home the value of...
Their guns are not fitted with horizontal ghetto sights-- can't hit squat with normal sights
Soo True !!!! Had a shooting bud who passed away-had a Silver Seitz and a K-80 live bird gun--his reloads were horrendous, he blew up an Alfermann--
Did see an expensive gun fall off of a tail gate and bounce along a gravel drive way--it hurt
$2.00 a shot covers the first year of gun ownership, after that down to a $1.00 a shot but if you have to spend nights in a hotel and eat three meals...
I go to a local sporting clays club, yes the one with the lousy trap/skeet field 4-5 days a week , just to drill--part of my deal is I shoot for...
Its not a poor mans' sport, ever think who needs the ATA ? What do they do for the individual shooter who is just that-an individual. If you're not a...
Big discovery yesterday & today--fresh targets right out of the warehouse--OK breaks, went to a LM choke & 1 oz B&P #8 @ 1160--still good breaks...
Thanx--if I don't shoot a gun--I sell it--the wood alone would be at least $3000.00 from Wenig today--also Dennis recessed the fore-end iron so heat...
If I remember Superstars threw great targets, especially doubles
The trouble in Fl is most "clubs" are businesses and the other real clubs are controlled by the majority of shooters, who in most cases are not trap...
I don't look @ it as an investment, I want it to be a training aid for me & thats all I want it to be--I don't shoot doubles, but I want a good...
They have 120v in the trap house--the machine comes with a 12 v transformer, looks like I have to reach into my wallet again and tell the owner, to...
Thanx --Roger--never thought about moisture on the targets or the trap arms
I'm totally envious--right now all I do is drill on the field--25 targets per post. until it gets to f---ing hot star @ 9am--usually out of there b
The voice calls will work, but management wants a Point of Sale card system similar to what they use on the sporting courses, before they will let...
Thanx wanted a Pat Trap with wireless BRB voice calls-so far got a garbage Promatic Matrix and hand pulls--got it in writing--but being told its a...
I have never shot for score @ this range--I invested a lot of $$ to get the range built--with the hope it would be a good ATA venue; however ,the...
So right, a 15 minute trip vs an hour and 15 minutes--will have to wait till a bud shows up with a real radar gun--also some of the targets are...
These are solid Green, for the lousy back ground--mostly trees and green, with very little sky
Absolutely no mention of Biodegradeable on the box !!!!
Yes Roger, nothing on the box says 'BIO" but they say to store in a cool dry place--yeh right in a Florida trap house-must be Bios---BIOS are...
Was thinking if they're the new & improved--what a PIA--with all those pieces spreading over adjacent fields as a shooter calls for a target
Went to a local trap field to try something new this morning-- Very cloudy No Sun @ all. Tried clear lenses. hit everything hard- Now the oddball...
Sold all my presses 1 1/2 tons of shot when we move to FL--were going into a condo--no room for loading--AND in Fl if you have an un-a/c garage...
Another option is Eurotarget, they're made in Italy--have to buy a container @ time, they're considerably cheaper than both Lawry & WF--,but they're...
You have to see this--no wonder he ended up the way he did--
Hey guys, could never hold your jock strap when it comes to trap shooting--thanks for the comments
I understand, in trap shooting we lose a target, in combat lost really matters--wondering how many soldiers lost their lives because of bad ammo--I'm...
No, I called lost when the wad cleared my barrel--@ 77, my days of shooting descent scores are over--when a STS wad drops 5 ' from the barrel , there...
Was shooting a big 50 this morning. Was shooting new factory STS light 71/2's & this is a first for any factory load I have shot-- the wad cleared...
My custom 391 was made for me shooting TRAP (10 years ago), played with it for sporting clays--didn't work Was not going to booger it up for...
There was no way I was going to sand a custom DeVault stock comb--I'm happy with cheap route I've taken
Two months and counting--rebate "being processed" yeah right
I had the rib as high as it would go and the comb as low as it would go and todays patterning certified is was 80/20==this is on my DeVault 391
When to the patterning board today--compared 3 guns: 1) the 391 I put together for sporting patterned 50/50 2)My DeVault 391 conversion which I...
PM me I'll give you Fuzzy's contact #
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