It looks like Chris Wallace will be the winner of the "Candy Crowley" most biased moderator award--
Illinois the home state of a lot of Dem pimps and hookers
They're not dumb-they have been indoctrinated by a corrupt educational (indoctrination)) system and a corrupt media--Remember Hitler youth thought he...
Perazzi hands down; however for speed swing and trigger speed my Infinity moves way faster than both of them
In the past I personally had sponsored some big "Uncle Phil" shoots @ Robinson Ranch, turnout stank--never again--$5000. added $ and less than 50...
In Fl, there seems to be very little shot shells available, also; the people I know who reload are also complaining about the shortage of components...
Got love it when a kid shooting a high end gun gets discounts for shooting, just like senior citizens who get discounts even though they have 7...
I had a release/pull in my O/U, but after shooting one of my auto-loaders with a release--next o/u will be a double release
No way will I set foot in NY, will not travel across states where I would be deemed a "Felon" for carrying a handgun, hollow point ammo , etc. that...
The Florida Trap Association, should change its name to the Silver Dollar Trap Association; honestly without the Dollar and Robinson Ranch,...
There's the old adage, "I'm eating my way to AAA27AAA"--its a shame we lost way to many GREATS to lousy life styles Living in a camper/RV in...
Seems no one bitched about "white privilege" when Chelsea Clinton got a $900K gig from NBC , right out of college with zero experience She was a...
Its a training exercise, she does it @ all of her clinics
Biden keeps BS'n about Scranton; however, he fails to mention HE LEFT SCRANTON WHEN HE WAS 10 YEARS OLD The guy is beyond truth-he is totally...
If the rib doesn't change anything, I guess Dennis DeVault was BS'n me when he told me the rib on my Infinity at the top notch was 70/30 and all the...
If the comb is adj., you can change the poi--if its all the way down & its 70/30--thats is the lowest--each 1/16" of an inch should raise it...
No idea how to say what percentage the gun is: approx 1000 rds thru the barrel and the receiver since it was gone over by Cole's in 2009-- the...
Kim Rhode is left eye dominant, she uses tape on her glasses--nuff said
Was discharged from the hospital yesterday. Monday evening went to the refrigerator to get a glass of water. Woke up on the floor with two...
70 degrees , sun behind my back and a blue sky over a real low tree line
Sure hope Homer Clarke's gun doesn't go to an Illinois , going out of business sale-he won two World Live Bird Championships, with that gun--alot of...
Thumbs up for Hog Heaven
Put a fork in Sparta--its done, if the EC keeps up the same crap the ATA, may be done too !!! And honestly, if you're not chasing All American...
I don't see any difference between the Brown shirts who destroyed Jewish businesses & houses of worship on Kristallnacht in 1938 & the current Antifa...
Also, when NASCAR became the equivalent of pro-wrestling on wheels , I said its dead to me. too--stock cars, its the biggest lie in sports--if you...
Wow , Spanish Fork has to just about the best background; especially if there are no clouds
And , they tried to stop Dennis from shooting his gun @ the Grand, because it was an untested method of barrel attachment None of his guns have ever...
I had Dennis change a previous rib on the same gun; Loctite is a brand name , he used a space age Loctite adhesive to join the barrel to a monobloc...
bump also the POI is 60/40 with the comb bottomed out
Its a cap, covers top and sides-,would a heat gun on low be OK--I'm playing with 682, I've been trying to sell--may end up parting the gun out
Thinking about removing the Delrin rib that Dennis Devault put on one of my guns, Does anyone know how to remove it ?
I feel that "PROTESTORS", who confront people who are seated in a restaurants, should be charged under the same law that a home invader would be ....
Soft fluffy targets, the breakfast of All Americans, especially denizens of the Silver Dollar
The classiest club in Florida is South Florida shooters club, best background, only open to non members for ATA shoots, go online & check out the...
A spacer or a different butt pad solves the lop problem
got my check about 3weeks ago
New and final price $2400.00
I grew up in Brooklyn, when the Dodgers left, I vowed to never set foot in a major league stadium again--Now today with the BLM, BS--football,...
My late friend & mentor Dennis DeVault, had met the sand bagger once and told me he was an entitled asshole--and his tactics @ the GAH , proved...
A real entitled ass hole, people have been banned from the ATA for way less
It was peanuts when compared to the sandbagger of the "century" an 18 yd shooter , shooting a K 80, played every option possible won over $20K in the...
Good shooting by a youngster and way more honest than the world class sandbagger who won the GAH a few years ago from the 18 yd line, who shot a s--t...
I have the pin, please PM me
The water is inside of the walk ways, its a mosquito farm
Wait two days to see if its as good as Goodyear rubber
Guys look @ my post Odd Ball Target Breaks--you'll see pictures of a real stinko field
Is this just about the worst trap field out there--come on some one gotta top this
Got my STS rebate check today--3 months
Separate names with a comma.