just get a tapered choke wrench from Briley--its a fits all--Wrights used to make one also
honestly guys, in this age of Covid--why not have a telephonic grand-between the Cardinal, Linn Creek, Pa & another club in the same time zone
Urika 391 with a 28" field Optima barrel 6.6 lbs
can't do it I have a Urika, but no standard trap barrel- I'll give u the weight without the barrel, if its OK
My DeVault Elite conversion weighs 8 lbs, you will get tired with an auto loader if you put the gun on a rest and then mount it, like a break open...
Ok guys I am not a member of the club, I bought the club new BRB speakers, I have offered to pay for the walk way repairs I'm very blessed & $$ is...
No club mentioned, its your guess
If the walk ways at a club are terrible condition, cracked , not level as much as 4" s tilted, can you go one yard back to shoot on a level platform
thanx for mentioning the club
This exactly what happened, 1) my Bud goes to the window--the squad is totally empty--requests post 3 and is given it 2) when its time for the squad...
NO F'N way, , all I use my INFINITY now, is for a training weight--My 391 might just keep me in the game till I croak--staring to feel better with it...
I want another one too or if you can a Devault Elite conversion 30"--32" way too long for an autoloader
I measured it 8' 2"; however its TOO f'n high--I had a 3' steel rule on a walkway, leveedl a pistol with a green laser, to the rules top & the...
Great source for any and all Beretta (auto parts)/ new & Used ask for Wally--660-744-4115
Yardage was not a problem--it was a kiss ass problem !!!
Saw the gun u got, looks great--believe it or not I use Mueller chokes, they are light & stay clean--used to use Wrights chokes--loved Stu's...
Haven't loaded in 10 yrs
Lets say a club has let its facility deteriorate to a degree where its no longer a safe place to shoot. I'm talking about the physical aspects of...
I think you might be thinking of "Motor Dr",JosephRossman@gmail.com--2165541842
How many shells are u comfortable in your stash, when I reloaded always had the equivalent of 40 flats and enough components to make 100 flats Now...
"softest" targets seem to grow @ The Silver Dollar
would you be willing to sell the barrel alone ?
Merry Christmas to all-- History Seeker & myself would rather shoot @ that field in Wisconsin, than the excuse for a trap field that is close by
got some 2-sided tape from Meadows Industries, will be adding some black silicon where needed, as soon as it warms up in Central Fl
You're sooo right, he said," they'll never see him again"--also, it was a 75 mile dr
Yes --it was a registered shoot
What about big dogs always seem to get the best banks @ big shoots ?
a shooting bud of mine went to an unnamed club- he was the first person to squad and he requested to shoot post 3 (his favorite),(he was put on post...
As previously stated I'm shooting my auto loader, the comp Hi-Viz sight keeps falling off, should I say " to hell with it & shoot without it?" I...
1) the gun is a DeVault Infinity-- the forearm is engraved to characterize my submarine dolphins--when I croak my wife wants the forearm--she'll...
My Infinity has a custom forearm--looking for a person who can make me a duplicate, without my personal engraving
WTB a DeVault 391 Elite Conversion with 30" barrel or just the barrel
And we got a senile Pres. Elect !!!
A Briley piston will be delivered on Thurs.
OK I'll bite @ what age is a super senior vet
Was just looking @ the results for the Silver Dollar club championship shoot, Noticed the following listing of categories: V, SV, SSV What is SSV
Looks like the media & newspapers in our country are doing to America what Quisling did to Norway in WW ll. CNN--is now the China News Network, the...
Gary click on the faint baige color
Spoke to the owners, they are commencing a forensic audit-the amount invested by 23 individuals totaled $55K--I willing to bet the mgr & the...
She 's gotta keep the DNA, hard to save the evidence, the you're stark naked--Dems learned that from Monica
A shooting bud of mine, went thru the same crap, when he sent a stock to Graco--it got done !!!
She kept the knee pads & the spit cup
Be the first to get an autographed pair of Kamalla knee pads, guaranteed to get you in high places and power
The owner / mgr of Blackjack Sporting Clays Club was carted away after the Florida Sporting Clays State Shoot -- he was taken off the premises in...
Just spoke to one of my friends who is a horse trainer, she said the same BS is rampant @ horse shows, tons of categories-has clients who get their...
Need a spare and another piston for one of the two 391 Berettas I have Must be the one with the 3 foot base or a Briley/Angleport clone Kindly PM...
But without categories--the"soccer" moms & dads of trapshooting would have nothing to brag about @ their gatherings Typical discussion--Oh I heard...
You're right Dick, its a DeVault conversion--u saw the gun years ago @ Durham Cty & Buckhorn
I took my 391 apart for its 1500 rd douche, and guess what ? two feet of the gas piston had broken off--no problem, I had a newer spare with 3...
Screw yardage groups, just have places and categories-- or, how about a new category--transtesticle/ for guys who want to compete for Lady 1 /Lady...
Separate names with a comma.