Trap shooting, as far as I've always been told is primarily visual, it doesn't matter the background, wind , but if there is enough light to...
Ok guys, I know I'm ready to stir the pot--I shoot on a regular basis with an all American & he says prior to coming to Fl I'm AA27AA, when I leave...
In Fl registered shooting is cheaper @ some clubs, than practice rates for non members
Well, its Black History Month and they removed one of the richest most successful woman of color from modern history, so long to Aunt Jemima And its...
Promatic signature double ATA
What part of the plate or thrower arm is used as a reference point for getting these parts on the same plane as the walk way? Thanx-guys
Well, the powers that be have ordered a new trap machine for the range that is a work in progress Now the ?--What part of the plate or the throwing...
Don't forget about Egypt, I think all Jews should get a percentage of their tourist $$, who built the freakin pyramids--this politically correct BS...
As a person who is a Jew, I know the results of a gun ban, NEVER F'KN AGAIN, I going down fighting, unlike my European relatives who were slaughtered
Only if u, sell them on Gang
Thanx guys, the field topography here really sucks, the field behind the trap house is way above the grade of the walkways Trying to get someone to...
Another reason , charging is expensive-it costs $22.00 @ a Tesla super charge for a charge that gives you 250 miles The liberals in big cities with...
Had a Eurika moment, why are all the car companies giving into the all electric movement ? It has nothing to do with the environment, its profit...
Thanx guys, soft & easy just to help a bunch of old guys what its like to break targets, again
Guys this is a club, not ATA & most of the shooters are old farts like my self 70 +, I know how to st targets on an ATA field with proper equipment,...
I'm running a club shoot tomorrow Expecting 13 mph south winds The field is still a work in progress, been using a radar gun & a 50 yd stake, there...
There is a set of Kamala approved knee pads with a spit cup for sale on Ebay
If and when Biden's plan for gun control go into effect, get ready to practice the old NYC reload, Carry two wheel guns when the first one goes...
For laughs go to Hey Jackass Chicago or other Democrat safe cities--vat BS, gun control @ its best
The weight will be for my Infinity, not my auto loader
The Infinity is 1.5 lbs heavier than my auto-loader Nows here is what I'm making,,I'm getting a clear piece of plastic tubing, going to attach it to...
Ok guys , get ready to say I'm full of Biden poop- Well went to the range today-used my Infinity as a "lead" bat for a practice round After that I...
If I ever set foot in Ill. , I'll give it a try--but the odds of me setting foot in Ill are just a bout the same as NY, NJ or Ct in ain't gonna...
Raise one-Yellow Fever
Same goes for telephonic zone shoots--finally getting the reality that ATA shooting has one purpose, milking $$ from shooters, for nothing And,...
I got about 700 STS once fired hulls, never hit the ground. 5 cents ea. will meet off I-75 in Fl Exit 329--if you want to pay for shipping its...
Now do you think , the forces that flipped the Press. election also controlled the Democrat primary, they wanted the worst possible candidate that...
If you're headed to Fl and taking I-75, think about exiting on Rte 44 and going was a little bit-east 1/4 mile Theres a place called M&M...
I removed the "red" spring and put in the original non colored spring-seems way better, as far as the spring adjustment--there is none, tighten the...
Changed the gas valve to the original one--big improvement, less flash & no off sounding shells--go figure
Ditto in Fl after June 1
OK guys, thinking of making an official Joe Biden dog leash, when you attach it to a collar it says,"salute the marine" Do think it would sell ?
Just saw the topper, a shooting bud of mine , sent me an offer from Vizards--1 oz 20 ga #8 RIO 0NE BOX-yes one box Hang on $28.95--Wow, such a deal
Yep, talking about high rollers, there was a bright yellow Lamborghini in the parking lot, yesterday, but I guess a farmer with a million dollar+...
By the way the club wants to charge the same, for trap, skeet & sporting clays--34 cents /target--thru 2021
They don't have to "F" with my head, that's one job I'm really good at by myself
All my shells are under 1200
Ok, guys been shooting my old 391 for about 3 months now, several shooters adjacent to have said some of my shells sounder "off" 1) been shooting 1...
Will get when I can, currently its a real pain to get an appointment
One oz of 71/2 @ 1290 should work, but don't forget to say "pull" first
Honestly I don't think people who are paying big $$ for a flat of target ammo are real shooters, they are looking for anything that will work in...
For a good laugh or a great opportunity to make some $$$--go look @ Gun Broker and see what 12 ga target ammo is going for !!!
At least you don't have to check your skivvies after a wet fart, you'll never smell the difference
Gotta believe a person paid $200.00 for a flat of Estates Super Handicap # 9 shot on Gun Broker
Most Biden supporters take a shower before they go to work, if they even have jobs or work !!! Most Trump supporters take a shower after they come...
Just came back from the local club, which I have talked about (worst trap field) & (mgr. busted} This in my opinion takes the cake--they have very...
Maybe because of the ammo shortage, this year's "Grand" could be held in basements as a video game event--Biden would be the event mgr--he knows a...
Its nickname was "Club Fed" Bernie Madoff is spending his retirement in one--If you're down on your luck, broke ,need health care, rob a bank in...
No I bought a person into one of my companies--His name was Bigley, a real crook
He never filed for bankruptcy personally, his corps did it in Atlantic City; how do I know--I was a sub contractor on one of his projects, the prime...
Separate names with a comma.