Wanna bet he skates--the secret service, wanted the 4773, the store owner refused to let it go
He said he never used drugs on the form & ditched the gun he just purchased in a trash container close to a school, the gun disappeared What a moron
remember "from my cold dead hands"
A bud of mine who is @ the Silver $, called me & said they're out of ammo, the Fl state shoot is this week. also rumor has it San Antonio is out of...
guess no one, managed to tell our moron in chief that Colorado has a magazine capacity law in place, 15 rround mag capacity was enacted after the...
But its the gun's fault, he had relatives @ Ft.Hood, The Pulse Night Club, a Christmas party in Ca., & the big one 9/11
I've got 700 / central fl
You would almost think a lively sporting gun would have been better under those conditions
Especially when facing the bamboo jungle
To prove a point Harlan ,just shot a 72 in the handicap championship event
Yeah , they're Parrish, is "Our Lady of a Thousand Morons"
The American people trade in a Ferrari, Pres. Trump for a 75' Pinto with a blown head gasket and a flattened cam -and the Dems expect better...
Pelosi is looking for a new bomb maker
If you remember on older cars the rearview mirrors were dovetailed to fit on a metal plate that matched the dovetail that was glued to the window and...
My Infinity stock is solid "NO" thru hole for a stock bolt, my 391 is not the problem, would love to get back to the Infinity it breaks or I should...
The trouble is my Infinity doesn't have a thru bolt, it uses a dove tail to attach the stock to the receiver, hope someone could dupe it Thanx --the...
Just saw a news broadcast, where Pres. Biden & VP Harris are "both" departing the same plane after landing in Atlanta. Thought this was a strict...
Been windy in Fl especially with all the fronts blowing thru this time of the year, Looks like its time for Harlan to change guns, he changed...
also mineral oil is stable and will not get rancid, we use mineral oil to seal our granite sink
Just found it 8mm x 1.00 (fine)
Does anyone know the thread size of the locknut on the end of the tube that holds the recoil spring on a Beretta 391?--bought an 8 mm 125, thread is...
Just double checked the weights of my two trap guns; 1) Infinity 9.6 lbs 2) DeVault 391 elite conversion 8.5 lbs Now the ?, thinking about...
I got a shooting bud he has a K-80 combo, the gun weighs 10 lbs, he is as old as I am looking for recommendations for something under 9 lbs
Hearing Biden take credit or the covid vaccines & distribution is biggest lie. He cheated his way through college He lied about his class standing He...
I am currently shooting a DeVault 391, was looking for another barrel if something out of left field happens
Thank you, the barrel is a white elephant !!
Thank you Cheetah, would have never thought about back boring compromising SP barrel ratings,WOW
I just got a 391 Optima 28" field grade with steel rated chokes, the info I listed previously was from one of those chokes
also, if the gun has choke tubes Briley can make eccentric chokes
If the barrels are chromed, I was told they can't be bent
Gary post the pictures of the barrels & the chokes ,,Beretta pages don't show us what u have for sale--pictures please
sorry , but all Optima Plus barrels meet the specs you have stated, nothing extraordinary
Please look @ the markings on the choke tubes One of my current chokes says PB-IM-SP-**...
I have to see the Beretta markings on the barrel
When the teens discover the opposite sex & cars--"what's trap shooting?"
is the rib for sale ? I'll buy the rib, but don't have anything to swap-Wally Riebesall usually has regular 391 ribs , I have a 28" field optima...
Maybe thats why an auto-loader works well, considering the long receiver , you have a real long sight plane, if that is important to you
no need for porting in any single barrel unless its a 458 Winchester
Understand they are building a Joe Biden "memory unit", capacity for one
All of Dennis DeVault's guns were 33". remember the old two barrel sets 32" for singles, 34" for caps Honestly, if you're past a certain age and...
where in Fl--its a big state
He shot a DT 10 with a stock lock, he also used his o/u for singles besides ,doubles
Just found out NC shooter Tom Smith passed away after battling cancer & covid He shot @ Wautauga RIP --TOM
Ok, now that I'm shooting an auto-loader & tomorrow is first of the month its time for the gun to get its monthly douche. I been using Slip 2000...
A shooter on my squad had a Briley choke get launched from his Bt-99, it split the end of the barrel--the tube end looks like it curled up(inside...
Wow, one month in office and they're questioning Biden's control of the "nuclear football" , IMHO, if he last 6 months it will be a lot. Get ready...
Electric much safer, need two hands to use, had a bud get his thumb mashed under a hydraulic and if the hydraulics leak you got a mess
Bottom the gas valve spring all the way down, & secure it in place with the jam nut-- be sure to thoroughly clean the threads and be sure the rounded...
You ain't lived till you see a really fat person riding two of them side by side one for each cheek !!!!--new style Roman riding
The problem is a local range likes to shut down real early--singles are usually done by 9:30, then caps are done by 10:00, this when they have big...
Separate names with a comma.