The 1 oz # 71/2 are @ 1220FPS, the 1 oz # are @ 1200 FPS, their recoil are very close to Noble Sports, but my B&P 1 oz loads @ 1160 are still my...
Get a Briley tapered choke wrench--its a fits all--Wilkerson uses a tapered wrench for his choke installation
There is one way to make sure you'll have plenty of ammo to shoot. Become a Palestinian, Huthi Taliban or any other brand of terrorist that suits...
Its a shame , hope I'm wrong--but the gas shortage , most likely will kick the SC state shoot in the butt !! & if its not fixed quickly ,...
In 1973, we had gas shortages and had a moron in the White House, its amazing how history repeats itself Yeh, Joe shutting down pipe line...
Two days ago May 8 used to be celebrated as VE-day, well I'm an American of Jewish heritage ,if VE Day didn't happen , you would not be reading this...
I don't use a smart phone, & I don't take pictures might get a bud to do it
Just got two flats of shells from one of my suppliers. All I can say they are the prettiest shells I've seen . The brand is Victory & the model...
Get her a Beretta 391, 12 ga plenty of used stocks out there to play with--20 ga guns are so lite, IMHO they actually have a harder recoil than most...
Just got the NC state shoot program--$5.00 /100 cheaper than the Fl Spring Shoot--really miss shooting in NC, great people, clubs really know how to...
anyone wanna bet the real reason behind the pipeline shut down , was to promote " the green new deal" they're gonna say , " wish u had an electric...
Time for a new recoil spring, remove the spring, clean the tube and look for dirt lodged under the part that the follower rides on
Easy, peasy, piece of cake procedure had mine done 5 yrs ago Hope your Dr. doesn't need YOUTUBE; honestly best thing out there for old eyes Good...
Finally got a good scale and weighed both trap guns Beretta 391 DeVault conversion: DeVault Infinity: receiver complete:...
Its a piece of cake--enjoy seeing the targets whole, clear & bright
Instead of ammo, I'm loading up on Johnny Walker Black, up to 6 cases, never know what the next shortage will be.
The only way to cure my crappy shooting is to turn the clock back, turned 78 in Jan-- ole body can't move like it used to
Was thinking of going to shoot the Fl Spring Shoot ; however, after looking @ the program & seeing the prices, wondering is it worth it targets...
One hundred plus days into his term and he hasn't had to fire anyone !!! His hand picked team has to really be the cream of the "crap" not the cream...
Hard to make a bad 1911. Browning knew his stuff
In a few days its the first of the month, my trap guns get their monthly douche--
If I was Kerry, I would stay very close to home, the Mossad might have a bulleye on his back, his actions have jeopardized the safety & security of...
Anyone wanna bet Hunter Biden who sources have said had "kiddie" porn on his laptop & John Kerry told Iran about Israel's secret attacks on Iran's...
Don't know the # of shells fired, Infinity barrel 33" .740 bore ,LOCK TIME .0005/sec Silver Seitz barrel 34", bore .740, LOCK TIME--.0015
According to Sen. Kennedy of La., NY is now the world's biggest outdoor shooting gallery--sooo true !!!-but known cares as long as its not a white...
Talking about Key West, we lived on a motor yacht for six years and spent a couple of winters @ Boca Chica Naval Air Station marina-went down town...
The trouble with the bods of most old guys in this sport the girls are going to need really big blinders--remember the pictures of the old nudist...
53 people shot in NYC over the weekend--Chicago u might be out of the running for the murder capital. Gun control really works--trying buying or...
As an add on 11% of the population is "black" . so why do 50 % + of all commercials feature black actors, give me a break-- time for "white ash"...
Dennis DeVault believed in supper fine finishes--he did a side by side test-with an electronic timer of his Infinity vs a Silver Seitz He shot a AA @...
The older we get, we need lighter guns, I went back to my 391 from my Infinity, The late JC Nunn, shot comtivitly, till he was 95 he shot a...
I never cared that u were gay, until u started shoving it down my throat & I never cared what color u where , till u started blaming me for your...
Looks like the Capital police officer who was vaulted as a defender of the capital on Jan 6, actually died of a STROKE--he was not a victim of...
Maxine Watters, goes to Brooklyn,MN & incites the crowd , to protest if they don't get the verdict they want. Time to impeach her--here there is...
Worlds biggest circular firing squad , free ammo in soldier's field--last man standing gets $1million
In Chicago, there are over 117K gang members, they are the men of the single parent households the democrats created- this kid was out getting ready...
The ATA is recalling reaching out , they're advertising South Illinois visitors guide , IMHO its a guide to NOTHINGNESS No where to stay, nothing to...
You can add Delta and MLB to the list, too!!!!
I had a 3200 live bird gun with same engraving--should have kept it
I can't give any info on the Kimber for carry, my every day carry Is a Boberg that was tricked out by Robar, supper slick and very concealable-I...
Looking for a 12 ga 391 DeVault Elite conversion, 30" trap- Optima or Mobil will pay top $$
With saddened heart, have to report the passing of Tom Freeman , A true Tn gentleman & a pleasure to shot with RIP--Tom
I have Briley thin wall chokes, no problems, Harlan uses Wilkinson chokes
I was shooting trap 5-6 days a week, until my wife broke her femur last week, been grounded--now, only trap shooting I can get in is for about an...
My wife's gun is a S&W 317 8 shot 22lr revolver its loaded with Aguila Hyper max, was just a thought about that style gun chambered in 5.7 x28mm with...
E-mailed the CEO of Ruger and told him I wished they would make an 8 shot LCR in 5.7x28mm for the following reasons: 1) lots of senior citizens can't...
What I heard , was they wanted it, not jus be shown to them--
crow shooting supply
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