Now listen boys & girls don't get crazy ape 's--t" & spend all @ once----we just were notified of a windfall profit of 16 cents on our 4th of July...
Met up with my neuro-surgeon on Mon-28th, he and a cardio -thorasic surgeon will be doing the initial surgery on July 22, and a second surgery on the...
My best sex-mobile was a 1959 Olds 98 convertible, scored more home runs in that car than Mickey Mantle--but knowing what I know today --that POS...
Too bad the gun laws are not written in Swahili
Wow, doesn't that tourist know there's an ammo shortage everywhere--he's got a lot of nerve making the home boy take a second shot to hit his...
You got it he's just a parrot, wait a minute--a parrot is smarter
You have to have some pair to lecture us on gun control--when there is undeniable proof that t=your son lied on a 4473-- gun app-- liar in chief !!!
Ok, U want to end gun violence--F---king simple--make any crime committed with an illegally obtained fire arm or by a person who can not legally own...
Dave, what kinda gun is it--hope its not an "assault" gun
Spoke to a shooting bud of mine who shot @ the Illinois State shoot,,asked him what ELD meant, he told me it was for Elder Shooters--75+ I'm 78...
That's great, no mention of powder and or primers--I've been told primers are non-existent
I'm doing nothing-- the only people who benefit from this is gov't workers who now get another paid day off. The real holiday should have been a...
I have done that--
I'm talking about a club shoot--not registered--most clubs that shoot register, have a practice field- I like to shoot 3 targets on the post I will...
As, I previously mentioned my wife broke her femur--when we went for her final check up. I asked her surgeon, if he had the same back problem I...
Looks like the reporter who broke the story about Clinton meeting Lyncn on the tarmac, committed suicide Death count keeps rising
Just to verify why I think he should be an "A" shooter--out of his last 1700 targets hit 1606--94.47 % Not a "C" shooter
Well, a week later after shooting"B" in Alabama with a 190--he goes to NC ,is classified "C" & shoots a 191--...
club with only one field--
Two signs of old age--- 1) the cops start to look like kids 2) Buicks start to become attractive
Other states have people inducted to their HOF's , not just based on their shooting ability
Think about this guys--prior to any competition, -each member of a squad should be allowed to shoot "one" non score able target, to get the rust out...
I've had two laminectomies on the l4-l5 area of the back--looks like I'm in for the big one now-l5-s1 Has anyone had any work done on the l5-s1...
You are soo right, unless you are a member of the $$ clique--forget about making any Fl Hall of Fame-- the Fl State Trap Assoc--should change its...
My wife broke her femur 12 weeks ago. Went to see her surgeon Wed and was given the all clear to resume normal activities-- Down the road from her...
Wow, the "D" shooter was classified as a "B" in Alabama, what a difference--2 class jump in a week
Was it the 18 yd GAH champ
Henry Gainer
What about the shooter who attended a big $$ shoot in Vegas using his son's card-won, when his picture was on the cover of Trap& Field he was caught...
Lets see how he does , if he goes to the Alabama state shoot & what class he shoots in--
Well the "D" shooter won out of state with a 194 @ the MS state shoot,, wondering will he still be a "D" shooter @ the Souther Zone--the answer will...
If they could shoot straight, it might end the ammo shortage also, we have to have knife control laws--gotta ban those assault knives
can't find the results from the Sat & Sunday events--want to see how the "D" shooter did
However; he screwing a real "D" class shooter out of a trophy--most "D" class shooters are old farts like myself or newbies--target managers rule...
After closer examination of the shooters scores in the last 1100 singles target he shot (the ones I could see on the ATA site) his average was...
Just noticed the scores of a Fl shooter who is currently classed as a D shooter, when he shoots @ his home range in N.FL his scores are approx. 20...
Neither ==if they don't fit, you can't hit--if you got a gun with a properly fitted stock , you don't need any recoil device--unless you're a super...
There are ghetto gunsmiths that are making a living installing sights on the sides of pistols, no extra charge for lefties--wondering do they get a...
Are they giving any points in the Chicago handicap ?
I used to sponsor special Handicap events @ Robinson ranch--never got much of a turn out--
I was in the navy reserve during the start of the Carter era, didn't ship over, but reupted when Reagan was elected stayed, long enough to retire
Dead MF's--NY & Chicago--world's biggest outdoor shooting galleries
I'm "Uncle Phil" used to support some shoots in Fl-- was as effective as pissing into the wind to support the sport
Do ya think these coins would sell: Limited edition: Cream of the Crap Collection: Carter, Obama & Biden--worst Pres. In American history--limited...
Chicago NYC Baltimore St. Louis Philadelphia any idea what the over/under will be ?
Thats better than hitting the lottery--the holy grail of handicap shells
Remember all the times you were berated for not putting the toilet seat down, by your wife. Well, it was a sight to behold--the toilet seat cover...
also, do kickers pads harden with age ?
Been using Gooey pads, but in Fl, they turn to mush really quick. Will be going back to Kickeez on all of my guns- I currently use a modified trap...
I love my Cardinal flashlight--pewter plates--best cat diishes out there
Separate names with a comma.