Honestly, I would dust off my old M1 & open up my spam cans of AP & lock & load guaranteed to stop almost anything that's needs stopping
Joe's new name --Joe "Quisling" Biden---he should be charged with treason--just as the real QUISLING was !!!!! The real QUISLING was sentenced to...
If you wanted to destroy the USA, what would you differently from Biden--I think he has it down pat 1) open our borders 2) devalue our $ 3)stop our...
Stumbled on a British military series on Tubi--"Our Girl" about a female army medic-- it gives a lot of insight into the s--thole of fighting in...
During the Vietnam War, there were massive protests that forced LBJ , not to seek a second term. There were massive Me-Too protests-for women's...
The Russians were kicking ass, till WE started giving the TALIBAN stinger missiles--they pulled out with their equipment, they didn't leave it in...
The sex wasn't in a fountain it was on a gazebo & on top of an electrical junction box
Looks like one of the Taliban 5 that Obama swapped for the deserter Bergdahl, has become the leader of the Taliban !!! Guess when lying becomes...
If your car has presets no problem changing channels, the control is on the steering wheel, this is where it gets hairy, there is no tactile...
Love that back ground and the club reminds me of several clubs I used to shoot @ in NC,
The surgery hasn't happened yet, waiting for covid to slack, so my doc can get me into the hospital Thanx again guys
Thanx guys
I didn't relize that too, about the Infinity until I met up with Dean Debow, he shoots an Infinity after looking @ my Infinity he said I had to get...
The triggers are different, Infinity has a rebound spring infront of the firing pin & the Infinity receiver is much thinner than the Mach-One, all of...
Atta's my boat
worked @ the navy yard, 36 shop fire control electrician, joined the reserve, served on subs SS-408 & SSBN 635(G) stayed in the reserves retired as a...
when I was assigned to a navy reserve unit in Brooklyn--lots of guys called the bridge "Chimpan-Zee"
The Admiral has got the new car bug in the brain again, unlike me; she rarely keeps a car long, I put at least several hundred thousand on mine as...
We lived on and cruised on a trawler for 6 years. Our first trip was 7700 miles, we were coming down the Mississippi almost alongside to where Sparta...
Well, the new Covid strain, is rampant in Fl. where I live, my surgery was postponed--No room @ the inn, the hospitals in my area are at capacity,...
also, you got to pay IDNR $3.00 per event for the privilege of shooting in their state--
It means if u go to Sparta, you'll get screwed--its not worth the trip, unless you're chasing all American points and you risk not getting shells,too
BOHICA--Bend Over Here It Comes Again--get ready to shoot with a mask in 100 degree heat--
Since I'm a retired USNR-R retireded submariner, its not often I find a non submarine military series to watch. However; in the past few weeks I...
So sad-feel your loss !!! Pardon my French, but the Golden Age of Trapshooting is disappearing , too F--king fast
Time for a M&M gun , when it heats up, the chocolate is ready
Sad to hear of the passing of Lou Carter, met and shot with Lou in NC and after his move to Fl--where he shot and score @ the Silver $ RIP --Lou
Looks like the old grandmother in "The Gang Who Couldn't Straight' her best quote was "don't take no BS"
In Italian neighborhoods in Brooklyn-used to hear "give 'm the umbrella, if your really in for it give'm a beach umbrella"
Now the Dems are starting to panic us with there rise of the new covid variant--they're letting how many infected illegals thru out the US !!!, get...
Got fitted for a clam shell brace today--
Joe should change his family name to QUISLING-- he is doing almost as much damage to the USA as QUISLING did to Norway, just before Hitler invaded,...
A person I know went to buy a new gun, the make, model , serial # & caliber had to be entered before he could make out the 4473--the info on the gun...
get 55 gal drums & fill them with as much booze as u can, suspend them from the overhead and set up a quick lube dispenser and you're good to go
All I can say is I'm 78, and I hope we don't have to see what's happened to Venezuela,happen here & by the way check out the rioting in S.Africa--it...
Both the Machone & the Infinity 's triggers are striker fired, their lock speed is .0005 sec. its a learning curve and because of their trigger speed...
I used to be an electrical contractor, can't imagine what a 200 Amp service upgrade would cost today, with new special breakers, etc & the cost of...
Another Infinity problem was the iron was attached with 10/24 screws that sheared-- the screws should be replaced with 1/4-20--problem solved Dennis...
Some guns like a Machone & an Infinity have a take up screw that enables an adjustment of the clearance for the breech face--if the screw got...
Their Parish is Our Lady of a Thousand Morons
There will be two surgeons working on me the first day, a cardio-thoracic surge will be clearing the way for the neuro to do L1-L5 with a robot, day...
Surgery dates have been change to Aug 12 & 13 & the procedure will now go between L1 & S1-it ain't gonna be fun
My chart is going to a serious work out, after my back surgery--it will be months before I can handle recoil
The Taliban should thank Biden for leaving them tons of weapons and munitions @ the Bagram base-its akin to what Obama did that led to the rise of...
Girl asks her mom--"Is it true that babies come out of the same hole that a penis goes into" Mom flies--"its true" Girl asks--"will I lose my teeth"
Anyone want to have the guts and say who the majority of the shooters are--I'll say it THEY ARE NOT WHITE--how about that for your CRT---BS !!!!!!
261 People were killed over the 4th of July weekend and no-one gives a rats ass--;however 1 miscreant by the name of George Floyd was murdered by an...
Just prior to his units heroic defense of Little Round Top, Col. Joshua Chamberlain made an empowered address to men of his unit--in short he said...
I always record "A Captol 4th" , just found ought, Vanessa Williams will be singing "The Black National Anthem" instead of the Star Bangled...
He's as crazy as the proverbial "shit house rat"--we took care of my wife's mother for 7 months , we have a PHD on dementia/ alzheimers--Joe has it...
Separate names with a comma.