I believe, its gotta be close to10%, but the ? is you're 78 how much f--kin $$ do you need at this age, you can't remember your bank account pin
With all the $$$, the cartels are raking in they will topple the Mexican gov't soon, now we'll have the equivalent of the Taliban south of the...
Wow, after seeing Merrick Garland sig his DOJ hounds on dissenting parents, for exercising their first amend rights--all I can say is "thank God" he...
Listen boys & girls , the Durham probe is getting into high gear and when the SHITF, get ready for RICO idiments against the DNC & the Clinton...
Biden wants to appoint a woman who graduated from Moscow State University, she received the Lenin achievement award and she wants to change our...
His first 9 months were his "see one", now he's gonna go full bore, hang on boys & girls, its gonna be one hell of a rough ride; especially if the...
For those who never knew the story of the SS St.Louis--in the late 1930's a steamship the SS St.Louis , filled with Jews trying to escape Nazi...
The most dangerous man is the congenital liar. Biden is the leader of the pack. He plagiarized in college, lied about his academic achievements and...
Soros may have a fleet of old LST's they worked in Normandy, looks like we're the next beach head
Get ready Biden is going to surrender to China & pull down the stars & stripes and raise the red flag--he & his crew have to be tried for...
BOHICA--60-70K illegals massing for their next run on the border
2 million unvaccinated, untested entering the US and Biden thinks he can control COVID, what an idiot--after his 4 years, what will our country look...
There are no failure to fires when your survival is on the line-during the the second Gulf War we were living on our boat, we spent the winter @ Boca...
The only problem is the missiles cost $$$$ & that's what the US is holding back-- time to start a missiles for Jews fund drive !!
Last night the progressive wing of the democrats pushed a bill to remove support for Israel's iron dome defense system--if the Israeli's are pushed...
Just got an update from my surgeon, looks like I'm good to get my tune ups Oct 14-15--It will be a pain in the ass for a few months, but it will be...
U might want a BT-100, the same except it has a drop out trigger, which really helps for service/maintenance
Hope your on the way, just got my surgery dates Oct 14-15, its not going to be easy but beats the s--t of being paralyzed
way to go !!! on my personal side my wife totaled her 2018 MB Sl, she got abroken bone in he right arm & bruises--can't stop those MB 's from jumping...
Yes , Cole guns has springs for a 391-check with them if they are compatible
She's practicing using her mouth, but in her case practice doesn't lead to success, oh I forgot about Lewinski
Most of his constituents most like would only understand massa or el supremo--Biden yassa Massa Biden, Si ! E Supremo Biden--bur we ain't gonna vote...
Joe should change his first name to ADOLPH, with all his executive orders--we no longer have a democracy Get ready to scream out "SIEG BIDEN"
Its beginning to look like Biden is a mixture of Marshall Petain & Quisling--he is worse than both of them combined--because he is too far gone to...
They're not required for Trap, Skeet & Sporting Clays require them
Was her name Thelma Kutchacockoff
Looks like he pushing to reduce penalties for Fentanyl dealers, & CHINA produces most of the Fentanyl used in the illegal drug industry
More $ into the ATA, no matter where it comes from='s bigger bonuses & delegate perks
the NC delegate is a major vendor--some how he thinks increased fees will help the sport
You guys who are going thru the big"C" have a way better outlook, than me--If a doc says- you got the big "C" and its terminal, all I care about is...
CHINA-CHINA-CHINA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But he's still allowing Stoli, caviar & hookers' , guess Hunter will be well stocked
Dave shot with Chris Vendel , Stayed with Spencer & Sean Power in SC--set tons of targets a real good guy, this pisses me off, he underwent major...
The speaker could be the next press., the next VP would have to be nominated by the senate--Mitch would be in the cat bird seat--best solution IMHO,...
Sorry Dave forgot your wife's name ,Judy prayers on the way for her too, Phil
saw, they both live in The Villages, Dave prayers on on the way Phil
I do a s--t load of banking with Chase, it will end tomorrow
It is the same mentality that gave Bin Laden a Muslim religious burial @ sea, Muslim sympathizers from the Obama administration orchestrated this...
Happy to hear you're doing well, that's one big incision for laminectomies, when I had mine L4-L5, 3/4" incision
Look up Jason Rantz, Mother of fallen marine, on twitter--she rips Biden in her grief
You are sooo right, Susan Rice, world class liar--remember her Benghazi BS
TYPO, the officers' name is Lt. Col Scheller
A marine Lt. Col is the picture of a real officer who looks out for his men, even though he might get screwed out of his retirement. Lt Col Swiller...
Once a VP, becomes Pres. , there is NO VP, the speaker is next in line--the DEMs will lose their tie breaking vote--looks like we're stuck with Joe...
With you're dogs appendage---hows that for a big word !!!
Ok-one of the key aspects of the "green new deal" is electric vehicles Electric vehicles are powered by lithium-ion batteries-guess who will make...
When a hooker opens her mouth you're most likely to get satisfaction, when Jen opens her mouth you're guaranteed to get a load of BS
Just had a revelation moment !!! After Biden, never ever elect or nominate a senator to run for president. They're nothing but world class b--l s--t...
You're probably right Obama & his crew are the puppeteers
Since the Cleveland Indians will be called the Guardians next year Maybe their new mascot should be called ,"CONDOM JOE" as it relates to Joe...
Separate names with a comma.