JUst. brought my POI dow to what Dennis DeVault had built the gun for me. It's now shoot 100% vs 140% that Dean Debow told me to set it at.. My hits...
Great shell for sporting or caps
To the clubs that shoot Lawrys, buy them before the 25% tariffs kick in or buy American
I'm a one eyed shooter. My Infinity is set to shoot 140% high. This was set up for me by the Late Dean Debow, I used to hold low on the front edge...
Just got a K 80 Parcour's- a non fired shell doesn't lift out of the chamber when the gun is opened is this normal on a K 80
NASCAR has become the best sleeping pill out there--you can see the same action by standing on an overpass and watching traffic on any busy...
Joe took 577 vacation days during his 4 year time-imagine the damage he would have done if he was in the White House more !!!
Hal Moore was a soldier ,not a politician
Ft. Liberty has been restored to Ft. BRAGG--let freedom ring !!!
R.I.P. big Don even though I was a nemesis of yours for some of my critical comments about the Silver $- You were a true credit to our sport 635 G...
This problem was not with just 20 ga , the 12 ga also had the same problem
Gary, used your unloader, when I used to reload-sold all my reloading presses and everything related when I moved to Fl Great product --good luck
The marine Col. who was courtmartialed for criticizing the lack of leadership that resulted in the deaths of 13 service men & women in the withdrawal...
It was a different person
I apologiize for posting bad info, that I was given
Can't believe the $ would waste their time on just two pallets
Lets see what they throw for the Southern Grand & the Florida State shoot
I was told the Silver dollar has worded 6 million Eurotargets, with a saving of $2.50/per box. If u think they will lower their prices, think again
you don't have to set the trigger twice with a release/pull trigger-in Minnesota, this could be a felony due to a new law
Could a release pull trigger be considered a binary trigger--since you are shooting two shells with a single pull? could be a problem in some...
Jon-check your PM
I have a DeVault 391 with a trap rib, if I get it to the lowest position, it shoots 70/30 & shooting a release for the second shot sometimes gives...
Looking to get into sporting clays. Looking foe either a Perazzi MX 8 with 30" barrels or a Krieghoff Parkours, Don't care about the wood because...
I heard him say it @ a rally in Phoenix, AZ--it was televised on Sun. the 22nd
Trump announced he is going to rename Ft Liberty back to Ft Bragg and I guess all the other bases will be back to their original names- you can't...
Also they said she was shooting a rifle
There is a picture of the girl who shot up the Wisconsin school on a trap field--the picture is on the NY Post site
Got dig out those old 10 ga 36" Mooseberg goose guns. with #6 plated shot
How do you use a trigger scale with a release?
Thanx, Dave a Shooting bud of mine does that on his Seitz monthly--I shoot a release & I'm getting a trigger scale.
Thanks to Fuzzy Moore, he told me how to adjust the trigger timing on my Infinity, slowed the timing just a tad & NOW the gun is shooting just right...
Daniel Penny, immediately after being acquitted , dropped into a bar near the courthouse, for a shot , Semper -Fi & fair winds with following...
Bob Schultz, sells Euro Targets, supposed to be $2K-$3K, cheaper for a container load-call him @ Target Shoguns-to get the real price--all I know...
The third term of Obama is finally coming to an end, the proof will be when Obama sells his DC mansion, which was the real White House for the past...
Maybe Hunter committed some crimes that are in violation of several state laws--and daddy can't pardon them
What will this do for the Empire Grand ?
Sportsman's Warehouse is advertising magnum shot @ $51.95--don't reload , don't know if this is a good price
The real sign will be when Obama's DC mansion is listed for sale, that's a pure sign the rats are leaving their sinking ship
Sooo Sollly
League @ RR shoots wobble from the 20 yd, high gun gets a 1 yd punch
Was just informed there will be NO shooting @ the Silver $ during the month of DEC., there will be lead mining & field cleanup--IMHO this should...
Just take a couple of coils of the ejector springs till they have enough power to only lift the shell
If you shot a Seitz or an Infinity, Mach One with a straight striker firing system, learn how to clean the trigger adjust it if it needs it and DO...
Plastic wad pieces or unburned powder hitting my legs when I was wearing shorts
It all depends on the type of porting , bad porting can cause pieces of plastic to be thrown, and some ported guns are really loud
Shooting next a ported gun really is a pain in the "EAR" also getting sprayed @ times is fun either, AND if porting was advantageous ALL the big...
Yep, when you have a a gun with the fastest lock time & the release gets light you will short shoot a lot of targets to the left if you're a right...
Found out why I couldn't hit targets-the trigger on my Infinity had speeded up, took it out of the gun, gave it a good douche with Brake Cleaner &...
Been going to this shoot for years--This year $80.00 for 50 targets includes 2 boxes of Federal pink top gun shells--men shoot from the 24 women from...
I'm just a tad away from being 82, I had spinal fusion from L1-S1- 21/2 years ago. And the big problem is I'm letting go of my release early @...
Separate names with a comma.