SHE CAN'T ! 6/11/20 Embattled state health director resigns amid COVID crisis. Hehehehehehehe
"Pennsylvania Democratic lawmakers accuse their GOP colleagues of secretly exposing them to coronavirus" The Demorat women doing the complaining?...
H.R. 5717 Gun Violence Prevention and Community Safety Act of 2020 Introduced 1/30/20 by a good ole' demorat from GA named Henry "hank" Johnson. The...
5/20/20 CDC now says coronavirus 'does not spread easily' via contaminated surfaces. "It may be possible that a person can get COVID-19 by touching...
Liked the pictures of the birds Rookieshooter posted. I always liked this one. A little town in central PA on a fine Labor day weekend. BRING ME...
Well, that didn't take long. After cuamo in NY executive ordered EVERYONE to wear a mask it they went out our PA gov. wolf did the same thing....
I'm not panicked and the last one to say "the sky is falling" but if someone texted me and said that my mail service might be altered due to postal...
Brad asked a question about delegates and WHAT IF in the case of cancelled state shoots. Here's a WHAT IF that just MIGHT happen. I'm 100% positive...
While re-re organizing the loading room I came across a couple pictures of what it was like(for me) back in the "Golden Days" One of my shooting...
3/23/20 From the AP "Los Angeles sheriff: Gun shops not essential, must close" Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva on Tuesday said gun...
This is a Balvar 8B 2.5 x 8 with the tapered cross hair reticle. Optics are clear and bright. The outside tube shows no ring marks or scratches. The...
Ruger #1 in .300 Weatherby, Mag, 26" barrel with Leupold gloss 3.5 x 10 in the factory mounts/rings. Serial # 133-41xxx. From my research it is a...
#1 .405 Laminate stock. Serial number 134-11xxx, 2006? From my research the Stainless Tropical .405 was made three years 2003-2006. The serial number...
This is a NIB #1 in 9.3 x 62 Not much description needed since it is in the box with the paperwork and mounts/rings still in the tray. Metal and...
1895G, 45-70, 18-1/2" non ported JM barrel. Serial #97xxxxxx (2003) Upside, The Blued metal is 99%, no rub or wear marks on any of the metal. The...
Since we will still be here 4 years from now I can make a long range prediction. In 4 years Cuomo, the governor of NY, will be on the demorat ballot...
I was glad to hear that both biden and sanders responded with YES when asked if they would put a women on the demorat ticket if they got the...
3/15/20 It's not even on their site yet. Allegheny Health Network will announce that the first case of COVID-19 has been reported at their Jefferson...
3/15/20 Plan on going to a bar or restaurant? Make other plans
First let me say that I'm not Merlo but I do have a friend that told me two weeks ago that information would be published a little at a time. The...
For all the guys that still buy ANYTHING from this place the headline reads, Dick's removing guns from another 144 stores. You can google it to...
Oh Happy Days, Oh Happy Days! TRUMP COMMUTES BLAGOJEVICH'S SENTENCE The wsrc will never have to worry about closing again. We will all have to eat...
For sale is a like new Tikka T3. Synthetic stock, stainless receiver/barrel in .243. Made in Finland on left side, imported by Beretta on the other....
Just Joe ordered me to post this so here goes. Assuming you never used the PM option* Go to the top right of the page Click on the "inbox" next to...
Just got back from our New Years Eve casino trip and what do I see? The Outdoor channel has the American Rifleman show on and the majority of this...
[ATTACH] 6 round Kimber marked factory mag for their Micro 9. Looks like it was never in a pistol. The lighting in the picture makes it look two...
I need help planning a 50 target two man buddy(protector)shoot. We shot these years ago but really can't remember the program as far as places and...
Model 12, 12 Ga., 28" Mod, Field, Plain Barrel Serial #1794xxx, 1959 [ATTACH] As with the 1959 30" Full gun I have on another listing I don't know...
Model 12, 12 Ga., 30" Full Choke, Field Serial # 1694xxx, 1959 [ATTACH] [ATTACH] I don't know if the metal on this shotgun was refinished. If it...
I was eleven and my Dad, 43, took me out of St. Joan of Arc grade school to go squirrel hunting around Tionesta PA. We came back down to the car...
Remington SP 10, 3-1/2 " 10 Gauge. Serial # RM012xxx 26" barrel/W 3 Remington Choke Tubes (Steel-IM, Lead Mod) (Steel-XF, Lead Full) (Turkey Extra...
Browning A5 Light Twelve, Long tang flat knob. Serial number 7G70xxx puts it at 1967. Bright Bluing is 98+%. There are a few scrartches on the barrel...
[ATTACH] This is an 870 Express Magnum 3" outfitted for turkey hunting. It comes with a Remington camo synthetic stock with raised comb and camo...
I know you can look up who went to that shoot in sparta by going on the shooters info page, punching in their name, and looking at their record. For...
Well I just researched the numbers and it looks like the CC will have to close up due to the turnout at the Classic. The last cap event was down 49...
If my "Made in Jamaica" Walmart calculator is working correctly these are the numbers since Wednesday. No wonder FG has to take so many pictures....
I have a friend that moved to MO. a few months ago to be close to his son and family and his young grandson wants to join a Trap team. He said he is...
I was sent this "quote" from a member that still visits other sites. I wonder if this booger eating moron checked with the ED before he posted...
1942 Ithaca Model 37 16 Ga. #58666 with the original box and papers. I know you should always buy the gun and not the story but here it is. In the...
Well it looks like you CAN use the words SCTP and Sparta in the same sentence after all. From the SCTP site: Twenty seven (27) Youth Athletes from...
I posted in the Making the clay target fly wider and faster thread that I heard there was an article in either the June or July issue of T & F by the...
[ATTACH] And will be for the next 10 YEARS
The 2019 PA State Handicap event was won on Sunday with a 97. Just wanted to say Congrats to Anthony Boes for taking the Resident Junior spot with a...
[ATTACH] This is a Post 64, Model 70 Factory Mannlicher in 30-06, which carried the designation Model 7004. From my research there were right around...
[MEDIA] "They are made to be broken the first time they are used." I remember the targets one year at the PA state. You could have used some of...
This is a Baikal 12 Ga. Model IZH-27EM 2-3/4 chambers, 28-1/2" barrels choked MOD(bottom) FULL (top) This is the basic model Baikal hunting shotgun...
I no longer need 4 of my older soft cases. I always preferred to carry my Trap guns assembled instead of in the take down cases so these did see use....
Looking for a Winchester Model 131 .22 bolt action rifle. One of my good friends needs this model to complete his .22 Winchester collection. The...
This is an 870 Express Magnum 3" outfitted for turkey hunting. It comes with a Remington camo synthetic stock with raised comb and camo forearm....
Separate names with a comma.