I recommend the cheapest Harbor Freight cement mixer and a leaf blower. If it doesn't help, just return it!
This old gun is a clay busting machine. I think it's a Winchester Red Label 1940 era. It has the Winchester engraved logo under the receiver but no...
Spend some time and money to do it right. The left side is a kitchen cabinet set and top. I spent more time making it strong than if I used lumber....
I wish I had one of those 10 year pardons.
Don't set the low targets below the house roof. No reason to shoot that low and a good way to wack the house.
It's a tough shot with any pellet. They hover about 300' up behind my house. I see them all the time. We need 3 guys with compasses, a map and a...
This is on our table today
I have boxes of sheets and took them to a dealer. He said they were made in such high quantity, they are not valuable & I should just use them for...
I'm happy about this every day every way. As bad as things are, this is the only way out.
Hate to say but I think you are right. I smell it coming. I would bet a dollar on this.
I have a red forearm to go with the comb, no charge. I got them both in trade for an old wall safe. Unlikely I will need either.
Here is a nice K32 stock 12.75" from end to end. I can take better measurements if you are interested at $80 plus shipping from 08724
Get yourself new brass washers & rubber seals once in a while. They are much better than the old, hard seals !
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