As soon as Canada becomes a state will the ATA reduce their delegates to one instead of all they have now? Seems that would be right.
Number 4 buck 12 ga out of a Model 12 3 in Mag, good to 80 - 90 yards for sure.
Just for anyone that doesn't know Family Guy and why this issue is important to him if he didn't have his handgun he would quite easily been dead in...
I've seen Tabor's decoys sell but I don't have one myself, I have a lot of Mitchel's.
The first time I shot over Ed Barabee's (spelling not sure of) traps was in 1978 at Don Holford's club in Canton, Illinois. These traps were much...
Dave the all time best food at any trap shoot I attended in my fifty years of shooting was MTA when they had that guy that owned the truck stop run...
Best food at any club around.
Joe an Attack happened in New Orleans, sure it wasn't a Trump supporter driving.
I heard this from my kid that some nuke plant misplaced some atomic stuff, he said they found it at a nuke plant that forgot to log it in. I...
This web page posting Calcuttas makes it so much better than back 50 years ago when I started shooting. The way I found out about clubs holding...
I met Elizabeth and her family back when I was TD at the Cardinal Center and they were all very nice, I'm glad she is our new delegate. I was not...
I haven't shot there in years, great to see money shoots.
Don't take Ouebec
Separate names with a comma.