Post a picture please How is it changed from pull to release and back? Is there a small “lever” or is the safety button used to switch it over. Herb Orre Maybe the initials are of the previous owner and not the maker
I have one also that is either pull or release but I don't know who made it . It came installed on a Model 12 I bought from gun brokers. not for sale
So they are from the Winchester inspection department I assumed, yeah I know what that means, that the initials were on the trigger assembly that was hidden when in the receiver. Do ALL model 12’s have the initials of the inspector stamped on them?
I believe that at least some one else also made a combo trigger for the model 12 that you could change to either release or pull by moving the safety from side to side. Maybe a coppycat, but I believe Herb made the most of these trigger alterations and I don't believe that he stamped an identification on them. This is what I remember of this topic. Many years ago this topic was discussed quite often. Dave Berlet
Should have been more clear the initials are on the outside of the trigger guard and not hidden but right above the hole for the trigger screw. I would not have wondered if they were hidden when trigger installed Cheers
Since we are talking about the release trigger I have an issue with it.When I drop a shell into the port, the carrier does not chamber it when I close action. The pull trigger from the gun does everything fine. Put the two trigger groups together and cannot see any differences in the carrier mechanisms???
I don't believe the carrier is the problem. It's likely the catch is not protruding when you close the bolt so it's a timing issue.
Thanks oleo is this an issue I can fix? I will be using it only for singles and handicap so cycling is not essential but I would like it to work properly
The old men who could time Model 12's are mostly gone. Call this number 570-455-6091-Mark-I think he can help.
one more question oleo. What is the catch you are referring too? I haven't nailed down all the Model 12 jargon yet Thanks
Look on the bottom of the trigger assembly. There are two ways to release the pump handle after dry firing-pushing forward on the pump handle or using the release catch I'm referring to.
Spears and Timney both made convertible triggers ... I have both and do not shoot a release ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
Trying to recover from the Cancer treatments, got Covid so they could not do the biopsy on my lungs, trying again March 3, hoping for the best ... I lost 75 pounds, cannot recall ever being this thin (205) ... No energy so I do not get on the computer like I used to .... WPT ... (YAC) ...
Hang Tough Pal. Thinking of you and hoping you are back as soon as you feel up to it. Let us know how things are going whenever you can.