Williams County Ohio Calcutta 12-16-23 $$ Payouts - Attendance

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum - Americantrapshooter.com' started by Joe Nester, Nov 16, 2023.

  1. Joe Nester

    Joe Nester Well-Known Member

    Flyer attached

    Attached Files:

    Robert Zimmerman and alf174 like this.
  2. Just Joe

    Just Joe Administrator Staff Member

    Bump for great venue
  3. Joe Nester

    Joe Nester Well-Known Member

    Big crowd already pre-squadded, nice weather forecast- see you tomorrow!
  4. LimaShooter50

    LimaShooter50 Mega Poster Founding Member

    Please tell us some results. Numbers and such. Sorry I missed this one. I hear it was bigger than a satellite grand. Only difference you guys had big money $$$$
  5. alf174

    alf174 Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Waiting myself. I was in squad 4 and left before it was finished. The program was shoot 50, wait till everyone was done then shoot the other 50. 24 squads IIRC with just a couple not full. Perfect shooting conditions, no wind or breeze which is rare, just shy of 50 degrees, complete overcast so no cloud shadows, and good targets.
  6. Joe Nester

    Joe Nester Well-Known Member

    Outstanding crowd for the Calcutta yesterday, 121 shooters from 6 states, 26 squads. Thanks to all of those who worked and helped make the day, especially the ladies in the kitchen and the guys doing the grilling. All help at the shoots, other than the loaders and scorers, is volunteer. These people gave their day (days, with preparation) for your enjoyment at the gun club. (Sorry about missing deer hunting Pam!)

    Calcutta Winners

    99 Herb Lewis and Eric Cantrell

    97 Ken Scheban, Larry Moore, Jackson Fox, Scott Cochran

    95 Ian Woods, Ken Heathcoate, Don Howard, Ken Sims, DeWayne Dummitt, Alex McMullen, Shannon Mayes

    Purse Winners

    99 First

    97 Second

    95 Third

    94 Fourth- Jeff Stolaruk, Jon May, Steve VanVels, Jack Patten, Andrew Tilford, Lee Schank, JR Anderson, Rodney Johnson

    Big 50’s-

    Traps 1 & 2 Eric Cantrell, Alex McMullen 50

    Traps 1 & 3 Eric Cantrell, Herb Lewis, Larry Moore 50

    Traps 1 & 4 Herb Lewis 50

    Traps 2 & 4 DeWayne Dummitt, Ian Woods, Scott Cochran 50

    Traps 2 & 3 Eric Cantrell, Jackson Fox 50

    Traps 3 & 4 Herb Lewis 50

    Lewis Class- MODIFIED, top 3 scores of the day were eliminated.

    94 $75, 8 scores

    91 $46, 13 scores

    88 $85, 7 scores

    83 $119, 5 scores

    Thanks to everyone that contributed to the youth team shell raffle.

    Joe Nester
    alf174, BT99&SKB, JSKOLAR1 and 2 others like this.
  7. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    I’ll bet when those five shooters that had 83’s walked off the line they didn’t think they had a snowballs chance of hitting the Lewis.
    Merry Christmas :)

    BIG PAPA Forum Reporter Founding Member Forum Reporter

    GREAT BUNCH OF VOLUNTEERS. Joe, thanks for the many hours b4 and after the shoot that you volunteer to make WC a great place to shoot. You and all your volunteers, work very hard to make this a great shoot all day long. Plus, the MANY hours b4 with shoot setup, pre-squadding etc. Then the payoff's (mailing various money) etc after the shoot. God bless all the volunteers.
    alf174, JSKOLAR1 and Flyersarebest like this.
  9. Ed Budreau

    Ed Budreau Active Member Founding Member

    Thanks for the results Joe. I couldn’t make it as it was our last day open at Kingen’s.
    Congrats to all the $$ winners.
  10. Joe Brumfield

    Joe Brumfield Member

    Thanks for a great shoot!!
  11. Wally Worker

    Wally Worker Member US Navy Retired

    Awesome proof that real trapshooters chase money, not points?
    patch 2 and Flyersarebest like this.