Discussion in 'Joke of the day!' started by Ernroe, Apr 24, 2024.

  1. Ernroe

    Ernroe Well-Known Member

    This rather wealthy lady owned a race horse and loved to go to the races to watch him run. However a race was scheduled about 300 miles away on the following week. Unfortunately she had a prior commitment and could not attend the race. She told the trainer to text her the result after he had run his race. So on race day she got a text that afternoon that consisted of letters only, SSFF, will be back at the barn 3pm Sunday. Oh she said, SSFF could only mean, started second finished first. She called her friends and invited them a reception on Sunday to celebrate her horse's victory. When the trainer pulled up at the barn on Sunday he saw all these people standing around with glasses of champagne and holding roses. The lady ran up to the truck and offered him a glass of champagne. He asked what was this all about. She said to celebrate my horse's victory. He said what victory? She said you sent me a text that read, SSFF, started second finished first. No ma'am SSFF means, started stumbled, farted and fell.
  2. skullrider

    skullrider Mega Poster