Moulton $3000 added money?

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by LimaShooter50, Aug 30, 2017.

  1. LimaShooter50

    LimaShooter50 Mega Poster Founding Member

    I heard Moulton had added money approaching $4,000 in added money for a shoot recently.

    I think that is 3,000 more than was added for the GAH.
  2. LimaShooter50

    LimaShooter50 Mega Poster Founding Member

    Payout sheet

    targetbreaker likes this.
  3. targetbreaker

    targetbreaker if it goirs bang I probley shot it.

    I think other clubs that have opt's to play, should take note here, they paid out more places,
    and had a great shoot.
    some of the lower scores were paid, new shooter to the sport or old one like me that have lost there eye sight,
    will bring them back again and again.
    I like it the way they did it at Moulton, class act!
    that is how all clubs used to do it.

    BIG PAPA Forum Reporter Founding Member Forum Reporter

    Targetbreaker, I agree with you. Our Club (Newport Sportsmen Club, Houston, Ohio) has always done the "more" classes. That is one item I am proud to say that I was instrumental in getting changed while I was a member of the Ohio State Board on all singles events. Prior to that change the Lewis Classes were always 3 classes paid 50-30-20. All of the singles payoff's are now FIVE classes paying 60-40%. This gives EVERYONE including the TRUE B, C and D classes a chance to win some money. A three class 50-30-20 payoff truly is setup only for the class A and up shooters. Of course now that I am no longer on the board, it will be interesting to see if this part of the program will stay in place. If you do not believe this to be true, go to RJ's website and checkout the facts. See what scores pay on a three class versus a five class. Some days a D class shooter can will more money for his 87 than a AA shooter gets for his 100 straight. What do you think folks?
    targetbreaker likes this.