WTS: Winchester AA (old-style) .410 hulls once-fired

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by trapshooter5, Jun 1, 2020.

  1. trapshooter5

    trapshooter5 Mega Poster

    I have a bunch of Winchester (old-style,NOT HS) AA .410 hulls. They are once-fired.
    Will sell for .17/each plus actual shipping... also have bags of Winchester wads for them if needed...PM to discuss.
    Paul in Virginia DSCN3962.JPG DSCN3963.JPG
  2. Anthony W Young

    Anthony W Young Mega Poster

    Hi are they 2.5 or 3"
  3. Sgoose

    Sgoose Mega Poster Founding Member

    What your price on WAA41-410 wads per 1000.
  4. Low Six

    Low Six New Member

    Do you still have the .410 hulls and wads available?
  5. trapshooter5

    trapshooter5 Mega Poster

    yes,I still have some...How many would you like?
    Paul in Virginia
  6. Low Six

    Low Six New Member

    I would like to purchase 500 hulls and 500 wads. What is your preferred method of payment?
  7. Low Six

    Low Six New Member

    Paul in Virginia - Sorry, I'm a greenhorn on this forum transaction stuff. What is your preferred method of finalizing this transaction.

    Paul in Illinois
  8. trapshooter5

    trapshooter5 Mega Poster

  9. trapshooter5

    trapshooter5 Mega Poster

    Some sold, but 1000's left!
  10. trapshooter5

    trapshooter5 Mega Poster

    500-600 will fit in medium flat rate box @ $15.05
  11. trapshooter5

    trapshooter5 Mega Poster

    Thanks to the buyers...
    I still have some to sell.
  12. Barry Lambert

    Barry Lambert New Member

  13. Dan Martin

    Dan Martin Member

    Do you still have some to sell. If so I’m interested
  14. trapshooter5

    trapshooter5 Mega Poster