WTB these choke tubes can't ID

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by hardrite, Jan 30, 2022.

  1. hardrite

    hardrite Mega Poster

    Looking for more of this type of choke tubes, and or ID them.
    At first I thought they were Angleport, called and sent them to them to ID, they couldn't, need some help along with more tubes.


    Attached Files:


    JSKOLAR1 Mega Poster

    They look like Kolar Tubes
    magnett likes this.
  3. magnett

    magnett Mega Poster

    think kolar too
  4. Reyper

    Reyper Mega Poster

    Those are definitely Angleport chokes. Rey
  5. hardrite

    hardrite Mega Poster

    I tried .740 Kolar chokes, too large wouldn't go in the muzzle. These were in a K80 barrel.
    I assumed they were Angleport, send them to Angleport to make more, they said they weren't theirs and didn't know who's made them. I only have two that were in the barrel.
    I am sure some on this site will ID them.
  6. hardrite

    hardrite Mega Poster

    I just looked at a K80 Angleport choke tube and the threads are on the bottom of the tube, these are threaded on the top or muzzle end of the choke tube.
  7. Charles E Love

    Charles E Love Mega Poster

    Link deleted by moderator because, well you know why.

    found old E-bay listing with picture (top threads) - tubes were for Beretta. Your gun a Beretta?

  8. Mike Battista

    Mike Battista Mega Poster V I P

    Look like Beretta Optima HP chokes from an after market compnay.
  9. Reyper

    Reyper Mega Poster

    Those are Angleport chokes made for their proprietary thin wall choke system. Had them myself in other k80 barrels. By the looks and markings, they backbored the barrel to .740 and threaded them to use their choke system. Same as if Briley would have done it. Your barrel should be an original fixed choke barrel. You will have stampings on the left side of the monoblock such as S/S or F/IM. Good luck and good shooting, Rey
  10. hardrite

    hardrite Mega Poster

    Chokes found in a K80 stepped O/U barrel. just talked to Angleport and send pics of tubes, will report back.
  11. hardrite

    hardrite Mega Poster

    You are right again. Just got off the phone after emailing pics, they said those were their tubes.
    I knew this site would ID these choke tubes.
    thanks all
  12. Kailsdad

    Kailsdad Kalisdad

    Hardrite, I wont sware on it but I have a choke tube for my TMX that was made for me but Wright's choke tubes for my overbored barrel. I compared the constraint printing and design on your tube and mine are identical, you may want to check with Wright's choke tubes and make sure they are not the originators. Don
  13. hardrite

    hardrite Mega Poster

    5 ordered and on the way,