WTB K80 Trap stock NON-Rollover

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by skullrider, Nov 17, 2024.

  1. skullrider

    skullrider Mega Poster

    Looking for one of the older K80 Trap stocks that does not have the rollover comb.
    PM me if may have one available to sell.
  2. trapshooter5

    trapshooter5 Mega Poster

    For standard rib or Trap Special?
  3. skullrider

    skullrider Mega Poster

    Trap Special
  4. Prostock T/A

    Prostock T/A Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Are you just looking for the butt or matching forend.
  5. skullrider

    skullrider Mega Poster

    Preferably both - but will consider just Buttstock
  6. RonK

    RonK Active Member

    Have very nice set with upgraded wood and new Kick-eez pad. Came off an older K-80 Super Scroll.