WTB Browning 28ga…FOUND

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by WMN, Feb 8, 2025.

  1. WMN

    WMN Mega Poster

    28 or 30 inch barrels with choke
  2. Reyper

    Reyper Mega Poster

    Are you looking for a complete gun or just barrels? Good shooting, Rey
  3. WMN

    WMN Mega Poster

    complete gun 28ga
  4. Reyper

    Reyper Mega Poster

    Ok, sorry, thought I could possibly help as I have a very rare set of 28 gauge 30" sporting barrels for 20 gauge frame available. Good shooting, Rey
  5. neckdeep

    neckdeep Active Member

    I have a pretty much new in box citori Lightning 28"
  6. icyclefar

    icyclefar Active Member

    I have an as new XS Ultra with 28” barrels and all original factory packaging.
  7. WMN

    WMN Mega Poster
