What's your favorite part of a hunt?

Discussion in 'Hunters' Talk & Fish Tales -' started by Trapstarr, Mar 11, 2023.

  1. Trapstarr

    Trapstarr Hall monitor

    For me it's the period immediately following my predawn hike in the dark. I go into full predator mode as the first rosy fingers of dawn pierce the morning sky. My Spidey senses start tingling as I scan for movement, sign and listen to the sounds of the back country. That's when I am most alive and it is also when the majority of my kills occurred. Nice to beat the heat with an early AM field dressing.

    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    I like everything about hunting. A day of hunting is like a new book. It goes one chapter at a time.
    Dobyns and Hasbeen like this.
  3. Dakota2

    Dakota2 Active Member

    The dogs. I wouldn't bird hunt without my dogs.
  4. Hasbeen

    Hasbeen Well-Known Member

    Every part is my favorite part from the scouting to the cleaning and butchering and eating of game and every aspect in between. Hunting is who I am and what I am.

    Escana, RosesrDangerous and Dobyns like this.
  5. kolarbear

    kolarbear Member

    the thrill of the chase and the excitement of stalking and pursuing game are the most enjoyable parts
  6. For me it is the time spent sitting in the woods. Everything is so quiet and peaceful. The sound of leaves blowing in the trees. Watching squirrels and other wildlife run about. It's kind of like a form of meditation. Gives me time to just get away from the hustle and bustle of life, slow down, and clear my mind.
    Hasbeen likes this.
  7. hulk439

    hulk439 Member

    Its that moment you get back to camp, all sweaty and tired probably blood covered and stinky. Been packing meat all day and you finally get done working for day and you just get to exhale and realize what you accomplished. Maybe enjoy a cold beer, maybe no fire cause your to tired but you just finally get to mentally relax and realize the achievement. I usually have a second "dam i did it" moment on long drives home when my brain wanders.
  8. rrisum

    rrisum Mega Poster

    Deer camp --I don't even need a gun to have a great time!
  9. Escana

    Escana Member

    If I had to narrow it down it would have to be tracking, pictures and of course skinning the meat.
  10. BCB

    BCB Active Member

    Dog work , then 2 fingers of Balvenie !