Westy Hogan Trap Championship at Elysburg in Jeopardy

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum - Americantrapshooter.com' started by oleolliedawg, Aug 3, 2020.

  1. oleolliedawg

    oleolliedawg Mega Poster Founding Member

    It looks like the West Hogan trapshoot is having similar issues as in past years. Delegates were notified today that the lack of employees continues to plague the shoot and unless adequate arrangements are made the shoot may be cancelled. Here's an opportunity for many to step up and grab those available puller and loader positions at the fabulous rate of $10/hr. I suppose running that place isn't as easy as many thought.
    Roger Coveleskie likes this.
  2. HistoryBuff

    HistoryBuff US Navy Retired US Navy Retired Founding Member Forum Leader Official Historian Member State Hall of Fame

    It would be another tragic loss of an old-time tournament that is full of our wonderful history.

    Formed at the Eastern Handicap, in Philadelphia, 1906.

    At Baltimore, Md., July 14, J. M. Hawkins and Fred Le Noir shot a 100-target race for the Westy-Hogan trophy, half at 16 yards and half at 19 yards rise. Scores were, Hawkins 45-48, total 93; Le Noir 42-45, total 87.

    [ SPORTING LIFE, July 21, 1906, page 22 ]

    Neaf Apgar won the Westy Hogan cup and was elected president of the select organization. Fred. Le Noir is secretary-treasurer.
    [ SPORTING LIFE, June 29, 1907, page 29 ]

    The Westy Hogans held a meeting at Chicago, June 21. L. Z. Lawrence was elected secretary pro tem in absence of Mr. Lenoir. This organization was formed at the Eastern Handicap, in Philadelphia, 1906. Mr. Neaf Apgar was re-elected president, J. M. Hawkins vice president, F. Lenoir secretary and treasurer. Mr. Apgar was presented with the Westy Hogan cup won at the G. A. H., Chicago, 1907.
    [ SPORTING LIFE, July 6, 1907, page 30 ]

    The Westy Hogans will hold a tournament at Atlantic City the second week in September with practice on Thursday, regular program on Friday and Saturday. Besides 15 prizes there will be a Young’s Pier trophy. Two automatic traps will throw targets. The Westy Hogans were originally organized for fun, but the circle is now composed of trade representatives banded together for the purpose of furthering trade interests and aiding each other individually.
    [ SPORTING LIFE, August 3, 1907, page 30 ]

    Lester German who should be in the Trapshooting Hall of Fame
    was shot during a shoot in April 1915.

    Lester German Shot

    Famous Professional and Two Amateurs Injured By
    Careless Trapshooter in Baltimore Tournament

    Baltimore, Md. – April 24 – The most serious accident in the history of trapshooting in this city occurred at the Maryland Country Club this afternoon and Lester S. German the famous professional from Aberdeen, Md., Leonard F. Towner and Dr. C. W. Rohrer, of this city, were seriously wounded with a load of shot accidentally discharged by one of the contestants. German was taken to the Mercy Hospital for treatment with nearly 300 pellets of shot buried in his back, neck, head, and loins. Unless some of the shot penetrated his kidneys there is no grave danger attached to the accident, only a painful operation necessitated by the removal of the shot, which were


    to the depth of half an inch. Towner had his right arm filled with shot one pellet striking the big nerve at the elbow and causing excruciating pain. Dr. Rohrer received a shower of shot in his face but miraculously escaped having his eyes injured. Fortunately the wounded men were at such a distance from the shooter that the pattern of the shot had opened up and some of its force spent, otherwise they would have been dangerously injured. When the accident occurred German, Towner, Rohrer, Fred Slear and several other shooters were gathered about the scoreboard, glancing over the posted scores of the tournament, in which about a half-hundred were competing. The scoreboard was in back and to the side of the trap at which a squad was firing. The


    position had fired at the required number of targets and stepped from his place to move around behind the line to number one position. While walking he placed a new shell in his gun, contrary to all rules of trap shooting procedure, and snapped his gun shut. The snap jarred off the trigger and as the gun was being carried carelessly and pointed toward the club house and scoreboard, the shell was discharged in the direction of the group of shooters. German fell, and the shooters were too stunned for a minute to give him any aid. Fred Slear retained his self-possession and lifted German to a sitting posture to examine his wounds. He was bleeding from many shot wounds, but was conscience and, apparently, not grievously injured. A machine was at once requisitioned and the injured men were taken to the hospital.
    [ SPORTING LIFE, May 1, 1915 page 27 ]

    Here's what Lester German did at the 1915 Westy Hogan shoot 5 months later.

    1915, DUPONT RECORD 499X500, S.R., 25SEPp309.jpg

    A little know fact to most shooters is that at the end of the following year (1916), another similar organization was created called the MIWIKIMS.

    H. C. Kirkwood, La Grange, Illinois, President
    A. H. “Pete” Ammann, Peotone, Illinois, Secretary-Treasurer


    A new organization has been effected in trap shooting based much upon the lines of the famous Westy Hogans, of Eastern fame, that bids fair to be one of the most valuable adjuncts to the development of trap shooting in the Middle West. This body, composed entirely of professional shots, is pledged to hold one great tournament a year in the interest of the amateur shooters. Such a movement deserves the whole-souled support of every shooting man in the Middle West. When the Westy Hogans first organizer, more than a decade ago, that association was entering a new field. Yet they have made good on all points. They have not only succeeded in holding one of the greatest tournaments in the country each season, but these professionals have also, in the bonds of common fellowship, spared no time and effort to develop shooters, and work for the good of the sport and the interests of the amateur shooters. What the Westy Hogans have done, so also can this new organization in the West accomplish. From our own knowledge we can say that the new body has started properly with a fine set of officers, men who have ever been noted for their devotion to the sport. The following letter from tie secretary-treasurer of the association, A. H. Ammann, of Peotone, Ills., gives an idea or the scope of the organization:

    "Chicago, Ills., October 21. – Editor 'Sporting Life." – On October 20, the representatives of the different ammunition and powder companies met at a banquet at Stratford Hotel, Chicago, and organized for the purpose of giving an annual big shoot to the interest of the amateur shooters. Any trade representative of the mid-West is invited to join, and can do so by writing the secretary-treasurer.

    At the meeting it was moved and seconded to form an organization of trade representatives for the promotion of trap shooting and good fellowship among its members, to the end that at least once a year a grand tournament will be held in recognition of the many courtesies shown this body, individually and collectively, by the amateur shooters. A name will be given the organization at the next meeting, November 3.

    "The following officers were elected for the year: H. C. Kirkwood, La Grange. Ills., president; H. E. Winans. Belleville, Ills., vice-president; A. H. Ammann, Peotone, Ills., secretary-treasurer.

    Charter membership is $5. Directors are: F. G. Bills, W. D. Stannard, H. W. Cadwallader, G. W. Peck. H. E. Winans. Ward Burton, Murray Ballou, Jr., H. C. Kirkwood and A. H. Amman. Mr. H. E. Winans, G. W. Peck and Ward Burton were appointed by President H. C. Kirkwood to draft constitution and by-laws, to be submitted at the November meeting. It is very important that all trade representatives join at once and attend the next meeting, as important subjects will be taken up. You, Mr. Professional, are wanted to join, in surrounding States. Mail the secretary-treasurer your five dollars and he will put you on and then attend the meeting in Chicago, in November, time to be decided later.
    [ SPORTING LIFE, October 21, 1916, page 20 ]

    The Miwikims is the name of the new organization recently developed in Chicago for the interest of trapshooters. They held their second meeting on November 3 and adopted the constitution and by-laws that are to govern this body. President H. C. Kirkwood called the meeting to order. H. E. Winans, C. W. Peck, W. D. Stannard, Ward Burton, J. Graham, T. A. Marshall and A. H. Ammann were present.

    The following constitution and by-laws were adopted.

    The name of the organization shall be “The Miwikims,” and is composed of trade representatives from Missouri, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, Kentucky, Indiana and Michigan. It is organized for the purpose of bringing together the representatives of the trapshooting interests, to the end of holding, at least once a year, a grand shooting tournament, which partly expresses the great appreciation of the favors and courtesies extended and shown the Miwikims by the amateur shooters.

    The members of the organization shall consist of persons connected with the sale of guns, ammunitions and kindred lines.

    The officers shall consist of president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer and eight directors. They shall be elected annually on the first Friday of each year.

    The membership fee is $5 annually.

    The dates selected for registered tournaments by the Interstate Association for 1917 are September 10, 11, 12, 13. These contests will be held at some pleasant summer resort.

    The directors are H. C. Kirkwood, H. E. Winans, A. H. Ammann, H. W. Cadwallader, F. G. Bills, Ward Burton, M. Ballou, Jr., W. D. Stannard, C. W. Peck, T. A. Marshall and J. R. Graham.
    [ AMERICAN SHOOTER, December 1, 1916, page 45 ] Direct From The Firing Line

    Enjoy Our History !
    Trap3, DEDPAIR and History Seeker like this.
  3. Trap3

    Trap3 Mega Poster

    Thanks for the history HB... With the rich and wonderful history of the Westy Hogan on our mind. Thought I would
    post a photo of this nice gold medal won by Bart Lewis at the 1914 Atlantic City tournament... grassing 98x100


    IMG_4135 (2).JPG
  4. Diesel43

    Diesel43 Active Member

    I didn't see any of the help issues that have plagued the last few years Westy. Especially the Friday events of recent years. All banks were staffed and ran smooth.
    BRAD DYSINGER likes this.