Trump Shot!!!!

Discussion in 'Off Topic!' started by Fargo2, Jul 13, 2024.

  1. Fargo2

    Fargo2 Mega Poster

    The swamp drains. Swamp monsters become desparate.
    Roger Coveleskie likes this.
  2. Just Trap

    Just Trap Well-Known Member

    Humm - everyone was supposed to go through metal detectors, but somehow
    a weapon made it in?
  3. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    7:32 pm
    The Butler county DA just announced that they have one dead shooter, compliments of the Secret Service.
    Locals there at the rally said they “heard” there were 2 shooters, one by a fence and one on a water tower.

    If they interview 100 people they will get 100 different stories. The broad on Fox is a twit. She should be working at Walmart as a greeter.
    How many shots did you hear? Were you afraid? Did you see if there was blood on former President Trump? How many people were shooting?
    I watched it. It sounded like a .22, could have been bigger with a can. The first round nicked his right ear. He hit the deck immediately without being told. The stories from the scene are all over the place.
  4. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    The shooter wasn’t inside the secure area.
  5. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    The young mayor of Butler, a Marine, and his wife, a PA State Trooper, were on the stage. He told her it sounded like a .22 and she agreed. They hit the deck until the SS got Trump up and when the mayor looked around he said he saw one man in the stands that was hit and was dead.

    Fox is running a banner that says “Shooter dead, two hurt”. Even Fox sucks when they try to be first with the story.
  6. 635 G

    635 G Mega Poster

    Jul 13 must be the next Jan 6, but this time, we'll have a real investigation based on facts.
  7. bobski

    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

    the democrats just lost the bid for the white house..............
  8. 635 G

    635 G Mega Poster

    The picture of a bloodied Trump with his fist clinched and held high under our flag is a poster for victory
  9. Ron fisher

    Ron fisher Mega Poster

    Trump "standing with fist clinched " was stupid !! He continued to put his life and the lives of everyone trying to help him in danger instead of getting to safety as fast as possible.
  10. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    You actually think that the SS detail let him stand up on his own?
    Didn’t listen to the audio did you?
  11. 635 G

    635 G Mega Poster

    When he stood up, SS, already knew the shooter was eliminated
    Flyersarebest likes this.
  12. Ron fisher

    Ron fisher Mega Poster

    I guess the ss knew positively there was only one shooter and let him stand up ? Don't think so. They were attempting to move him to safety as quickly as possible, he was show boating, slowing the process down putting many people at risk.
  13. M Johnson

    M Johnson Well-Known Member

    It sounds like the SS knew exactly what was going on. After all they allowed this idiot within 130 yards of the real President. Talk about risking lives. Lol
  14. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader


    Why don’t you just vote for whatever demorat they put on the ticket, it won’t be Joe D mentia, and leave it at that.
  15. Ron fisher

    Ron fisher Mega Poster

    Wrong ? Some people just can't or won't open their eyes to see the facts.......
  16. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    My eyes were wide open when THE SECRET SERVICE DETAIL STOOD HIM UP.

    They don't listen to individual they are assigned to protect. In a situation like that they TELL the person and the rest of the team what they are going to do, how they are going to do it, and when to do it. As I said before, you didn't listen closely to the audio did you?

    You can hear the team leader giving orders to the detail.
  17. Ron fisher

    Ron fisher Mega Poster

    There is a word "procedure" they have numerous procedures that are followed during different situations....the commander gave the clear order then ( following procedures)they were to get the target out as quickly as possible to safety....they swarmed him using their own bodies as shields ( even the chubby chicks ). They were doing everything they could do to remove him as he resisted , slowing the process down, putting everyone at risk...if they were positive no further danger existed, it could have moved slower and more carefully....this is my last comment on the subject, we're not getting anywhere and I have better things to do. Good luck...
  18. bobski

    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

    presidents are briefed too. he should have just left w/o slowing the situation down.
    Ron fisher likes this.
  19. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Your TDS is going to be a problem WHEN HE BECOMES PRESIDENT AGAIN.
  20. Antique00

    Antique00 Member

    Joking apart, looking at the video it shoes him touch the right side of his head, this would infer that the shooter tried for a head-shot. A graze would mean a kill was avoided by only a couple of inches. Presumably the shooter thought a body-shot pointless because of a vest.
  21. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Or the 20 year old mentally ill person was so rattled by both what he was about to do, and the fact that he realized he had been seen by the cop that poked his head up from the side of the building, that he rushed it and just rapidly shot towards President Trump, AND the crowd. One dead, one in a medically induced coma for further surgery, and one in stable condition.

    I always wonder, just how bad was it that this person felt he had to do something like this? I live 10 minutes form 2506 Milford Drive, The neighborhood is locked down. Even if you live within a quarter mile of the house, you have trouble getting in and out of the neighborhood. Yesterday, when there was a threat of rain, ONE OF THE NEIGHBORS OF THE CROOKS PUT UP A DINING FLY SO THE PRESS AND THE FBI DIDN'T GET WET. Then MORE OF THEM DID IT. Are you friggin kidding me?

    My nephews son graduated with Thomas Matthew Crooks. My nephew received over a dozen phone calls from the "media" asking to speak to his son. He told them to F off. A neighbor up the hill from the Crook's house has two daughters that went to Bethel Park, one a year in front of and one a year behind. CNN had the nerve to knock on their door and ask to speak to the girls about Crooks. Their father told them to get the hell off of his property. VULTURES.

    Here's at least three questions that will have to be answered.

    When the police inside the glass company building, the building the 20 year old climbed, saw him walking around 30 MINUTES before this happened, why didn't they stop and question him? That building was a staging area for the local police units, including their "counter sniper" people.

    Were the local Butler police AND the PA State cops on the same radio freq as the secret service? If not, WHY NOT?

    And even if the local police agreed with protecting the outside of the "secure" area WHY DIDN'T THEY HAVE SOMEONE ON THAT ROOF?

    The whole SS line about them only having to watch the "secure" area and the locals watching the rest of the area is lame. The SS has been locking down any building with a roof higher than the protected person and having a line of sight to that person since November, 23, 1963.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2024
  22. M Johnson

    M Johnson Well-Known Member

    I heard an interview on the radio with a pro sniper. You know the Canadian with the longest recorded kill? He has carried out many security operations. He said that cops aren't good in those situations because they are usually a reactionary force not a preventative one. Also there is no way that building should have been uncovered. And regardless of the state and local authorities being in the area, that the buck stops with the SS. And there is no real excuse for it.
  23. Palos shooter

    Palos shooter Mega Poster Founding Member

    Its hard to believe a 20 year old kid could outsmarted the whole Secret Service.These guys are trained to protect and guard the president.They are making a six figure income and are as dumb as rocks to let something like this happen. Or maybe it was a setup to assassinate Trump. Lots of people that were there said people pointed to the shooter on the roof. The SS acted like Slowskies.
  24. Doug Kennedy

    Doug Kennedy Well-Known Member Founding Member

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