Trapshooting needs another venue!

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by Coffee@7, Mar 23, 2018.

  1. Coffee@7

    Coffee@7 Member

    We need another big venue for trapshooting in the Midwest. The CC and PA are fantastic places to shoot. I would like to see another large scale venue near Pittsburgh.

    We need a mega venue event that will throw non-registered events also. Just wishing.
    Roger Coveleskie likes this.
  2. SmellyDog

    SmellyDog Active Member

    I didn't realize Pittsburgh was in the Midwest!

    I'll second the MTA at Linn Creek, also.
    Rn3, Old Goat 2 and Roger Coveleskie like this.
  3. rrisum

    rrisum Mega Poster

    A little closer to the Midwest than Pittsburgh -- check out Wisconsin trap shooters at Rome Wis. --280 acres 30 trap --130 miles north of Chicago -- 300 miles south east of Minneapolis --265 miles east of mason city Iowa.
  4. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Geeezzzzz, come down off the cross already. To you guys "bashing" is anything anyone says that doesn't mesh with the ata and it's fantastic direction

    2,003 shooters in last years GAH. 1,745 the year before. PLEASE tell me why you think that is so "grand".

    That my boy is friggin PATHETIC.

    They should have said FANTASY direction. It would have been the first true thing that came out of them in years.
    Roger Coveleskie likes this.
  5. oleolliedawg

    oleolliedawg Mega Poster Founding Member

    I think we need a new event. 1-2-3-4 hole targets set at 52 yds, It's real fun.
    Roger Coveleskie and THEUNLOADER like this.
  6. just joe

    just joe Administrator Staff Member

    In an effort to be polite to the OP, posts were removed that had absolutely nothing to do with the original post which is a newer topic.
  7. T Shot

    T Shot Mega Poster

    As I said in my first post ( that was pulled) the MTA in Linn Creek. I would like to see more like the Silver Dollar & Tuscon!
  8. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Heck, I've had 2 of my post taken down. only 2,010 more and I might get something special.
    just joe likes this.
  9. Smithy

    Smithy Mega Poster Founding Member

    Like the op said....I would like to see a few more mega venues anywhere. OH and PA area especially.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 29, 2018
  10. oldskt94

    oldskt94 Active Member Founding Member

    The problem would be start-up costs. Finding a property with gun and noise friendly neighbors could be difficult also.
    dr.longshot likes this.
  11. JohnWick

    JohnWick Active Member

    Another issue that would need to be resolved is available shoot dates to host large shoots. You need a significant # of targets in the air to justify a 20+ trap facility.
  12. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

    AN existing facility that is receptive to added shoots is the answer. Trying to squeeze one in on a busy club is hard. There is one somewhere that is recptive to this venue. Roger C.
    dr.longshot likes this.
  13. T Shot

    T Shot Mega Poster

    Ok Roger where's that place? All the Big venues filled up with other shoots! How about the new Wisconsin home grounds they have 30 traps and not much going on?
  14. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    I am hoping it can be here in Ohio, just have to wait & see.

  15. rrisum

    rrisum Mega Poster

    Come on Dr. --- Take a nice Vacation up to Rome Wisc. --world class golf --Smell the pines --watch eagles fly by --hear the loons call at sunset with a Brandy old fashion -- Shoot at one of the newest venue in the country -- Plus the dam place cost a fortune and need to be paid off
  16. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    Wisconsin is a great place, great people and you cannot find better cheese ... I have always found the people in Wisconsin to be very easy to get along and deal with ... The Big thing is finding a place big enough that will throw unregistered targets and not let the ATA Bully them or get involved (micro manage, if you will ) if it comes to that ... The one Major factor is taking into consideration a place with a multitude of shooters that could be available in and about the general area, we all know how that works if not taken into consideration and you end up having the shoot in a phone booth ... Once you realize the cars going in the opposite direction are waving at you, not flipping you the bird you'll be fine ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
  17. T Shot

    T Shot Mega Poster

    Why would you think the ATA would (bully) you if you had a shoot ATA or not? I'm sure they don't bully any of our shoots reg. or not. Why do you think the ATA is always the bad guy?
    Old Goat 2 likes this.
  18. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    Show me where I said the ATA was the bad guy, if you are going to use what I say at least get it accurate PLEASE ... ? (Thank you in advance ) ... Rose colored glasses and kool aid at the next exit ... You don't know what you are talking about Trust me ... If you see something happen do you admit to it or say it could not of possibly happened as it did ..? WPT ... (YAC) ...
  19. T Shot

    T Shot Mega Poster

    When you say. (And not let the ATA bully them) what does that sound like?
    Old Goat 2 likes this.
  20. Old Goat 2

    Old Goat 2 Active Member

    Sounds like wpt might suspect there is a possibility that the ATA might try to "bully" or somehow interfere negatively. Ouch! Ed
  21. Palos shooter

    Palos shooter Mega Poster Founding Member

    It would be great having a non ATA grand..I wonder how we could classify the shooters as to class and yards..
    What rules could we go by.What would be the limit on the shell speed.How many oz of shot ?
    Could we use the honor system to classify the shooters.Would everyone claim to be a D class 20 yd shooter? Could we rent out a 20 plus gun club for a week to hold this event.Who is willing to put in some added money..We would need a big sponsor.It be nice if one of the casino in Vegas would do something like this.Maybe have a car in the Lewis class.How much to charge for each event.Most trapshooters I know want $20 per hundred targets and big payouts.I wonder what kind of options would work for something like this? COULD THIS BE RUN LIKE A GIANT CALCUTTA..
    Old Goat 2 likes this.
  22. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    Read the words as written do not assume or jump to conclusions ... If I have something to say I say it , not fond of someone telling what I said when I didn't say it ... Do not read in between the lines, read it as stated ... What does that sound like to you and your son over there ..? Not sure how long you been around but obviously do not pay attention very well ... Not going to say it again, look in old posts and find it for yourself ... Be Alert, America needs more lerts ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
  23. T Shot

    T Shot Mega Poster

    WPT most of what you say is BS anyway so it doesn't matter how you write it.
    old682x likes this.
  24. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    T-shot , get back on your Medication you mouth is starting to over load your A _ _ again ... People wonder how much you have shot or if you are just someone who likes to hear him self talk ... If you are going to make accusations be sure you know what you are talking about and obviously you do not ... Been there, done that ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
  25. T Shot

    T Shot Mega Poster

    Getting to far off track! Where is the next big place to go? Are there any more places like Silver Dollar?
  26. merlo

    merlo Mega Poster Forum Reporter

    Reports from the group with the upcoming Championship Series say that is exactly what is happening.

    I report. You decide.

    Merlo out.
    Roger Coveleskie and wpt like this.
  27. merlo

    merlo Mega Poster Forum Reporter

    They are working on that.
    They think they have that answer.
    Got sponsors.
    Should have that on the side. Waiting for more news.

    Venue not decided. Stay tuned.

    I report. You decide.

    Merlo out.
    wpt likes this.
  28. I decided.

    Not going to happen.
  29. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    I learned a long time ago "Never say, Never " just as soon as I did , I would ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
  30. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

    There is already another venue out west. It is called the PITA, they are making strides in Nevada and Washington. If you are interested in another venue ask them to consider setting up in every state. They are similar to the ATA only with out the bull shit. We have a state shoot for Az. and it is growing every year. Roger C.
    wpt and THEUNLOADER like this.
  31. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    I do not know but have been told that T-Shot is from Illinois and does not attend shoots at the WSRC all the while he claims to know so much about it, and how great it is ... I have not been to the facility in Sparta, though I had been to Sparta on a few occasions before the thought of relocating there even crossed anyone's mind ... I have no desire to go there which is my option and I do not need a reason ... I have gotten messages from people who claim to know him (T-Shot) personally ( that is something I would never admit to if I did ) but any way, he reminds me of the 20 yard shooter who lives in Sparta and gives handicap lessons and has never shot out of the state or enough targets to be an All American which is probably the only thing holding him back, and of course being on the 20 1/2 yard line (probably one of them Sand Baggers waiting for the right time) ... I ignore very few people (?) but I am seriously considering putting T -Shot on that list with that other guy, because nothing he says makes any sense either ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2018
    Roger Coveleskie likes this.
  32. T Shot

    T Shot Mega Poster

    WPT I don't know who told you Anything like that. But it's all wrong!!
  33. rrisum

    rrisum Mega Poster

    Just another Plug for Wisconsin -- would anyone consider a How - chunk Indian sponsored shot -- Would be a natural paring with thirteen casinos in Wisconsin and How - chunk has a casino just across the Wisconsin river from the Rome facility-- it would be a natural Pairing -- That casino has cost me darn near as much money as trap shooting has -- But is all chocked up to entertainment -- Just thinking out of the box -- Ron {the original post was a venue in the Midwest }
    wpt likes this.
  34. Stl Flyn

    Stl Flyn Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    They should team up with the Ho-Chunk Nation and let them locate a small casino, hotel, gas station quick mart, right on the corner of HWY 13 and Akron Dr. I am sure Pritzel's would put a stop to that. Even if they sold that corner to them it would cover half the WTA debt from the grounds.
  35. langer

    langer Well-Known Member

    Do we need to keep the larger venues from eating the smaller venues? Too much power?
  36. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    We need to keep the non-shooting states from killing the smaller clubs with "easy yardage" rules. Example -->
    Mississippi's successful push for the easy yardage rules. That is keeping smaller clubs in PA and OH from having their usual small shoots.
    oleolliedawg likes this.