To whomever made the decision to put Westy Hogans against Cardinal Classic

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by Johnson, Aug 19, 2024.

  1. Johnson

    Johnson Active Member

    How is that working out?
    Flyersarebest likes this.
  2. oleolliedawg

    oleolliedawg Mega Poster Founding Member

    I attended both and attendance was down considerably. Tuesday through Thursday at Cardinal, Friday through Sunday at PA. I suggested to the TD to run against the Grand since so few PA shooters are willing to make the trip to IL. September is out of the question for lack of pullers and loaders.
  3. SOC

    SOC Active Member

    Westy hardly had enough to make the shoots worthwhile.
  4. Billy

    Billy Mega Poster

    Let’s call it like it really is MONEY!!
    WillieG likes this.
  5. Smokintom

    Smokintom Mega Poster Founding Member

    Some of us call it trapshooting. And it’s not free
    Roger Coveleskie likes this.