That was then…this now

Discussion in 'History Buffs' started by farmerfranklyn@yahoo. Om, Jun 19, 2024.

  1. farmerfranklyn@yahoo. Om

    farmerfranklyn@yahoo. Om Well-Known Member


    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    Nice shadow box. Are those west coast decoys with that Model 12?
  3. farmerfranklyn@yahoo. Om

    farmerfranklyn@yahoo. Om Well-Known Member

    Brad…the shadow box and contents were carved 'n created by Tom Taber. As a guy (me) who can't tune in a radio without help Tom's talent especially the Model 12 is awesome.

    Attached Files:

  4. Antique00

    Antique00 Member

    That looks very nice!!!