Sparta Belt Buckle 1900-2006….SPF

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by Steven Seigneurie, Nov 18, 2024.

  1. Steven Seigneurie

    Steven Seigneurie Mega Poster

    I purchased this buckle for elderly gentleman I shot practice with, he never shot ATA but would always ask to see the trophy or whatever I won when I was lucky enough to win. He always thought the buckles were "Very Ornamental" in his words, I purchased it several years back and he always wore it with that big smile.

    I do believe it is a first year Sparta buckle 2006, Please correct me if I'm wrong

    Looking for a new home for it- $95 +10 Shipping

    Pm is Best-

    Attached Files:

    Rob Greenside likes this.
  2. Steven Seigneurie

    Steven Seigneurie Mega Poster