Should there be a classification for?

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by dr.longshot, Mar 27, 2015.

  1. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    Gary Bryant Dr.longshot
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 31, 2015
  2. Wishbone

    Wishbone Mega Poster

    Some of your earlier posts suggested we should have fewer categories similar to the 1970's.
    Glad to see you have re thought your position.

    If they are going to shoot from a chair they can request Chair shooter designation from the CHC.

    There are lots of shooters with health issues some are obvious and some are not.
    There are a lot of older shooters who have problems standing for any length of time or have respiratory issues.
    Chronic pain is the constant companion to some. But they still compete for the love of the game.
    But if you think an additional category is the answer good luck with that.
    Fezzik likes this.
  3. oldphart

    oldphart Mega Poster Founding Member

    In my opinion there are presently too many categories that appear only to give someone a trophy, that being said I would like to see a category for shooters who have missing limbs. This could replace some of the unnecessary categories and not increase costs for trophies.
    wpt likes this.
  4. iowa guy

    iowa guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    would you restrict this new category to just wounded warriors? What about the shooters with missing limbs or other such limitations that never served?
  5. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    Somebody does not read the thread thoroughly, Iowa Guy
  6. Two Dogs

    Two Dogs Active Member

    It was people like you and Brad that didn't want the extra classes....make-up your mind....
    Fezzik likes this.
  7. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    DLS is having part of his leg hacked off. I do not know what emotions that brings.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  8. leftout

    leftout Well-Known Member Founding Member

    DLS truly sorry for your amputation. But now you want a special category for yourself, you wouldn't qualify as a wounded warrior.

    Having just shot a Wounded Warrior shoot and a PVA shoot I didn't hear one word from them about wanting or feel they deserved special category other than Chair.

    Most amputees that I have known just want to be treated like everybody else.

    The best on your rehab.

    dr.longshot, mobicphobia and Fezzik like this.
  9. mobicphobia

    mobicphobia Guest

    Spot on Lefty.
  10. iowa guy

    iowa guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    DLS, my reading ability is just fine.

    Lefty, couldn't agree more.
  11. HistoryBuff

    HistoryBuff US Navy Retired US Navy Retired Founding Member Forum Leader Official Historian Member State Hall of Fame

    Leftout is absolutely correct. Throughout history, those with disabilities such as missing limbs have never complained in the name of fairness. They just went out, competed, and found a way to to be successful. When I conducted the research on Hall of Famer George Maxwell, my closing comments were that if Mr. Maxwell were with us today, he would not want to see any sympathy in our eyes and would in fact issue admonishment to us for feeling sorry for him. He would have told us that he's not disabled . . . . . he was just missing an arm.

    Mr. Maxwell lost his arm about 1898. He became quite an accomplished shooter, winning many notable tournaments, giving exhibitions with Annie Oakley and the Southern Squad, winning high average awards and was hired by Remington as a shooter-salesman. You can read about him on the Trapshooting Hall of Fame website


    George W. Maxell, of Hastings, Neb., is famous in the trap shooting world as one of the leading experts. Some years ago he lost his left arm in a gun accident, and this makes his work the more phenomenal. His first shooting at the traps was in 1903, and he won the Denver Post trophy, emblematic of the championship of the middle west, early in his career, and followed this up with winning the championship of Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas and Missouri. In 1905 he won the Western Handicap with a score of 98 out of 100 targets from the 18 yard mark, and tied this event in 1904. At the Grand American Handicap in 1908, he won high average on all targets, and repeated in the same event in 1911. He also won high professional honors at the Southern Handicap and high average on singles at the Eastern Handicap. He has a long run of 268 straight to his credit. In 1905, as an amateur, he broke 4,171 out of 4,590 targets, an average of 90.8 per cent; in 1906 he increased his average to 91.7 per cent, breaking 8,205 out of 8,945 targets; in 1907 he shot as a professional, making an average for the year of 93.3 per cent, breaking 12,311 out of 13,185 targets. Since then he has been shooting steadily and has maintained his position with the leaders, finishing the year 1915 with an average of 94.73 per cent on 5,240 targets. In 1911 he finished in a tie for third place in the National Professional Championship event at 200 targets, 18 yards rise, with 195. In 1916 he broke 3,439 out of 3,640 targets, 94.47 per cent. In the Tribe of Okoboji Indians he is known as Chief Right Wing.
    [ TRAPSHOOTING – The Patriotic Sport, page 252 & 253 ]
  12. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    Personally, I feel the current system of classification with so many catagorys is utterly rediculous ... I could see some merit to a Wounded Warriors Class, but limited to them and them alone, open to declaration by them and not a bunch of Hero wanna be 's ... The come and get a trophy, medal, etc. stuff has to be eliminated so the real catagory winners can look at their win with some pride and sense of accomplishment ... There comes a point where the system can be nothing more than mind games for the winners when its overly saturated with winners, even they know they are not ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2015
  13. Bat

    Bat Mega Poster

    Dr. Longshot, you will find that opening a bank account in the name of a non-existent fund like that will be tougher than you seem to think.
    Fezzik likes this.
  14. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Tough, but impossible ?

  15. Bat

    Bat Mega Poster

    Would be a lot easier to work through an existing Charity. Dr. Longshot would seem to me to be more comfortable at being a promotion type of guy for something like this instead of getting into the administrative side of it.
    Fezzik likes this.
  16. 320090T

    320090T Mega Poster Founding Member

    Many times the chair shooter cat is empty, I feel the wounded warrior cat might be even slimmer.
    Fezzik likes this.
  17. mobicphobia

    mobicphobia Guest

    Have the proper tax exempt forms been submitted? Do you understand all the requirements needed to establish a non-profit organization? Does longshot possess the necessary administrative skills needed to accomplish these tasks?

    And, as pointed out by 320090T above, have any studies been done to determine if there is even a significant number of wounded who participate in trap or even have the desire to do so?

    It appears that no feasibility study has even been considered prior to a request for funds Seems to me this spare of the moment initiative is half baked and before any funds are accepted there is much work to be done.

    If you really want to contribute to our wounded warriors there is already a well established organization in place. Have a shoot and donate the proceeds to that institution.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 29, 2015
    Fezzik likes this.
  18. Fezzik

    Fezzik Active Member

    Let's stop this silliness!

    DLS is going thru something I would wish on no one and truly I feel for him.

    That said, from his first post to his later equivocations, this post is incredibly transparent and self-serving. And the largely negative react action is just his chickens coming home to roost. Sending this guy money would simply be insane.
  19. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    I have never seen so many disrespectful, trapshooters in my life, that do not support our Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines in my life, I do not need a tax exemption for this project, this was supposed to be by shooters for our military shooters, so forget the whole Damn thing. No wonder the ATA is in the shape it is in.
  20. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    If ANYONE else or a well known top shooter would have suggested it and volenteered to set up an account and have any donations sent to him I wonder how much negative CRAP, and that is all it is, would have been posted.
    WTH did some of you guys think, that Gary was going to STEAL your money?
    JHC, give the "I don't like Dr. Longshot" club a rest.

  21. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    No one is disrespecting the military. They don't like YOU. They just don't have the balls to say it up front.
  22. Bat

    Bat Mega Poster


    Personally, I don't feel Dr Longshot really wants to get into the admin issue he would face. It's one thing to write on here: "send me the money" and I will do good with it, but another to actually handle it, account for it, and report on what was done with it. Then, inevitably, someone won't like what you did with the money, and will make a few calls and the next thing you know he's in a bind in his state, and in any state he solicits contributions. Most banks are going to require an EIN before they will open an account in the name of a "fund" such as this, or are you going to mix the funds with personal funds? That's a road to disaster. Not disrespecting the military or Dr Longshot, just better that he has an idea of what is involved ahead of time.
    Fezzik likes this.
  23. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    I could care less if they like me or not, The ATA was an honorable organization at one time, if you have been reading history buff's threads. I will take it upon myself to have trophies honoring the Military and hang them on the walls of the Cardinal Center.
  24. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Never thought of including you in the " I don't like Dr. Longshot club"
    What you say makes good sense. You never thought his idea was "self serving"

    Fezzik likes this.
  25. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    I read all his threads.

  26. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    How about this suggestion ?
    The ATA uses some of that money they reported to have in the bank and DONATE it to the Wounded Warriors Fund.
    After all, one or two posters on here thinks that money proves they are doing a GREAT job. What better way to give back than to help out a terrific organization with a generous donation.

    Family Guy and Michael McGee like this.
  27. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    This has NOTHING to do with the ATA. Some of these guys just don't trust YOU. As I said, they just don't have the nerve to say it.
    If the ATA wanted to get involved all they have to do is what I posted above.
    dr.longshot likes this.
  28. mobicphobia

    mobicphobia Guest

    I'll say it. I don't think he has a clue as to the ramifications of soliciting money as a charitable organization. The following quote proves this.

    As soon as anyone points out the lack of forethought given to this idea Gary immediately starts calling us disrespectful and claiming that we do not support the military. Nothing could be further from the truth. Even to the staunchest longshot supporter it should be painfully obvious that he didn't think this through.

    Where is there any tolerance for others opinions regarding this subject, or any other for that matter? To use this subject as an avenue to once again hammer the ATA only shows that he is incapable of separating his utter contempt for that organization from any topic.

    To cast such a wide net and accuse any of us that do not immediately join his cause as non supporters of our military is absolutely ludicrous.

    And Gary, just for the record, I served two tours in Vietnam as a door gunner on a UH1BC helicopter gunship.

    Do you want to once again tell me I don't support our military?
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 29, 2015
    Fezzik likes this.
  29. Fezzik

    Fezzik Active Member

    I already said it in my original post and I'll say it again.

    I wish medical malady on no one.

    That said, DLS is a self serving hypocrite in my book. He rails against the ATA and its classes. Then when the situation suits him, he wants to form another to his benefit and tries to mask it in the name of our military (which is an insult in and of itself). His intentions are obvious and his ability to execute his "plan" is non-existent.
  30. Fezzik

    Fezzik Active Member

    Oh, and BTW I have donated significant time and money to the IAVA.

    So DLS, please outline for us how you have given back to our military? Your feigned indignation is the only real disrespect to them here and you should be ashamed.
  31. Fezzik

    Fezzik Active Member

    I would imagine a top shooter or anyone else serious about such a noble endeavor would have done even a little bit of homework before making such a pitch. And therefore, would have been taken more seriously.

    Plus, let's us not forget that in DLS' original and now deleted post, that he was asking for a new class for handicap shooters. Military was a byproduct.
  32. Fezzik

    Fezzik Active Member

    As the saying goes, "those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones."
  33. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    your sign on name is taking God's name in vain and should be deleted Feezik. I have never ever taken God's name in vain, your like Obama's Pastor, did you attend that church too, you must have. We have freedom here in the good ole USA, Moderator's get him off here for his language
  34. leftout

    leftout Well-Known Member Founding Member

    DLS and Flyers have either of you participated in a Wounded Warriors or Paralyzed Veterans shoot or donated to either shoot? Have either of you put on such a shoot or attempted to? Have either of you asked the Cardinal to set aside a day or an event to raise funds for these or like veterans group? There are ATA clubs doing it now but you both hate them.

    The cause would be better served by making monetary donations to a group then making a category and handing out a trophy.

    Up front I don't think DLS has the mental capacity to organize, run or manage a charity. In addition he throws the word honorable around like he is the only one who knows what it means. Quite frankly I and obviously others dislike the personal attacks because we dare to disagree.

    Fezzik and mobicphobia like this.
  35. Fezzik

    Fezzik Active Member

    I'll take a page from NW and try to debate this nonsense with facts. So here we go...

    1. You misspelled my name. It is "Fezzik" not "Feezik" and a simple Google search of "Fezzik" would reveal only that I am an Andre the Giant fan. God's name in vain? Not even close. Again, you should be ashamed of the way you casually throw around such heavy but dead wrong accusations.

    2. What foul language have I used? Fact based assertions that prove your incompetence and selfish nature? I certainly never used the word "pus*y" or any of the other seven dirty words on this site. Can you say the same? The answer is "no" so maybe the mods should ban you?

    3. You still haven't answered the exactly have you given back to our veterans? Details please.

    Hail Ragnar!
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2015
  36. Hap MecTweaks

    Hap MecTweaks Moderator

    Gary, Quail Dog, is Tom Strunk, my best friend. I've never know him to say unkind things about most anyone, ever! Copy and past his words or tell me where I can locate it! I don't believe that crap for a nano second!

    BTW, I've never know him to say anything behind one's back that he wouldn't say to their face either!

    Fezzik and Michael McGee like this.
  37. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Flyers have either of you participated in a Wounded Warriors or Paralyzed Veterans shoot or donated to either shoot? NO, have not shot or donated to a shoot. I HAVE donated to Veterans groups. Just had nothing to do with shooting.

    Have either of you put on such a shoot or attempted to? NO, our club never put on such a shoot. We used to have a lot of registered shoots in our area. Almost every club used to have registered shoots during the year. You could easily shoot 3K 16's in a year and never drive more than 40 miles. That's how we could shoot over 5K 16's per target year. Not any more. That might explain why they have never had a shoot for the Wounded Warriors. They don't have ANY shoots at all let alone a special one. I HAVE donated money to Veterans groups.

    Have either of you asked the Cardinal to set aside a day or an event to raise funds for these or like veterans group? NO, never shot at the CC. Not yet anyway. Why would I ask a shooting facility to hold a shoot if I never shot there?
    I DO DONATE TO VETERANS GROUPS. You starting to get the drift of the three bold sentences?

    There are ATA clubs doing it now but you both hate them. Please let me know what clubs I HATE and just what is an ATA club?

    Now I have a few questions for you.

    WTH does me saying the ATA should make a donation to the Wounded Warriors Fund have to do with anything you just posted?

    I told Gary in an earlier post the negative crap that was thrown at him had NOTHING to do with the ATA or Veteran
    s. You and one or two others will find SOMETHING to yelp about NO MATTER WHAT HE POSTS. If I was him I would just laugh off anything you said. He doesn't know how to do that.

    You, and a few others, don't like ANYTHING he posts so why not just man up and admit that? You don't have to even mention the ATA or any Vets groups. Nice try at spinning it but it wouldn't matter to you, or one or two others, what the guy said. You don't like him so just say it.

    Quite frankly I and obviously others dislike the personal attacks because we dare to disagree. How easy your life must be that ANYTHING ON A WEBSITE ANYWHERE would upset you. Think about that. Someone that you never met. Someone that has no bearing on your life. Someone that whatever he does or says has NOTHING to do with how you go about your daily life, PISSES YOU OFF SO MUCH that you have to post a reply to their suggestions. Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzz, I have a ton of things more important than what someone says to or about me on a forum.

    As an example of that, I only answered your post because you mentioned my name. If you hadn't done that I wouldn't have given your post a second thought. Just laughed it off.

    You can answer these questions or, take my advice and just laugh them off.

  38. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    So tell me flyers, do you think that I and the others that did not agree with his half baked idea do not support our military as he claims above. No

    And as you can see from the longshot quote, he is the one that brings up the ATA. He always brings up the ATA regardless of the subject matter being discussed. His contempt for the organization comes shining through on just about every post. And you are surprised at this?

    As a side note. Tell me again, I must have missed it, how my suggestion that the ATA donate money to the Wounded Warriors Fund made you ask the questions of me that you did.

  39. mobicphobia

    mobicphobia Guest

    Good enough flyers, thank you for your reply.

    Now I will answer your question. I think it is important for Gary to see that even his staunchest allies do not agree with him regarding his outrageous claims that we are anti military. And the reason I chose you is the fact that you are a high profile poster here on the forum. Your stance on most things here at the forum is well known and in most if not all cases you present your opinions in an articulate manner without personal attacks. It is fine to disagree, that is the life blood of a forum. But Gary needs to learn that anyone with a dissenting opinion should be treated with respect. He must also understand that his wild fact less accusations carry consequences and he cannot keep utilizing his "get out of jail free card" by just moving on to another wild claim or subject. If all of his supporters keep giving him a free pass it only encourages him to continue down the road he is on.

    Gary of course is his own worst enemy. Due to his behavior he has zero credibility on just about any subject or topic he chooses. It is time for him to understand that he is viewed as the "court jester" playing the fool and it will undermine any issue he decides to champion. He simply must cease his personal attacks such as the one about Strunk in this thread. I know Tom, and Hap is right, he does't have a mean bone in his body.

    Will he see it or understand it? I doubt it. But perhaps his friends and allies will have more affect pointing this out to him then any post that I ever present. Without any change, any thread started by Gary will just be the curtain rising on another comedy/tragedy without any meaningful message.

    As to your side note, you will find in one of my prior posts in this thread that I agree with you about donating to the Wounded Warriors Fund. I would be delighted if the ATA did so. I also still maintain my original position that soliciting money to purchase trophy's for our wounded vets was ill conceived and was more about Gary's need for attention then aiding our vets. The fact that he chose something that I am passionate about (vets) to serve his need for said attention is what put the burr in my saddle blanket.

    It appears this show is over. I see the curtain has risen with another new play. It will be interesting to see if Gary somehow manages to work the ATA into the contents of a storage locker.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 31, 2015
    Flyersarebest likes this.
  40. Quaildog

    Quaildog Member Founding Member

    I am Quaildog on this site and sign my real name on the bottom of each of my posts. On xxxxxxxxxxxxxx I simply go by my real name, Tom Strunk.

    I resent your implication of a disrespect of the military by me, NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH !!! I have NEVER posted anywhere on any site what you are accusing me of. Gary Bryant YOU are below contempt. If this post in response to your lie gets me banned from this site, so be it.
  41. Wishbone

    Wishbone Mega Poster

    Unfortunately DLS has a free pass on this site.
    Continuing to let him post without consequences will ruin a potentially popular web site.
    But you built it so you can allow it to self destruct.

    Tom Strunk is one of the good guys.
  42. Quaildog

    Quaildog Member Founding Member

    Damm it LS , search me on xxxxxxxxxxxxxx as Quaildog or my name and you will find NO Quaildog on xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, no one on that site exists so your insistence that somehow I belittled you on that site as Quaildog is pure nonsense . I don't delete my posts so its easy for anyone to research my posts if they want. But somehow the truth doesn't matter to a blowhard like you.

    You remind me of the old quote " it's better to keep your mouth shut and be thought the fool, than to open it and remove all doubt"

    By the way, have you ever heard of a paragraph ??

    I see it didn't take long for your rant to be deleted.

    Tom Strunk
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2015
    wpt, Michael McGee, Fezzik and 4 others like this.
  43. User 1

    User 1 Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    "Should there be a classification for?" ... yes, for those who post on this site ...

    The Great-White-Hope has a "classification" of untouchable.

    And the mods could at least give some type of reason for the selective censorship .... not that I care if you delete some of what I post .... but a reason would be nice ....
  44. docbombay

    docbombay Active Member

    This thread is incredibly difficult to follow. I can only assume that there have been some deletions that happened as I can't make heads or tails as to what is going on here.
  45. Fezzik

    Fezzik Active Member

    Heavily edited by DLS and Others to say the least.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2015
  46. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Unfortunately, some of these threads are like that without any deletions.

  47. docbombay

    docbombay Active Member

    Thanks for clearing that up.

    I was really taken aback by that attack on Tom Strunk. As wishbone said, he is indeed one of the good guys in our sport.

    The poor mods here should be paid by the hour at the same rate paid to babysitters.