Romney attacks Trump

Discussion in 'Off Topic!' started by Fargo2, Jun 11, 2016.

  1. Fargo2

    Fargo2 Mega Poster

    Romney made it clear he is backing Hillary while speaking on CNN.
  2. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    Romney is a Moron and cannot be trusted even if you are watching his every move ... He was born and will die a loser , he is not and cannot be loyal and support what is best for the country, his only interest is whats best for him self , typical of POLITICO'S , near and far ... Trump actually supported him when he ran for election which was a gross mistake he will never make again ... Romney should just sit down, shut up and hold on, we are going to be in for a wild ride once Trump is elected and he starts cleaning house and taking out the trash ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
    Ken Cerney likes this.
  3. Ken Cerney

    Ken Cerney HOF Muscoda Gun Club Past Wisconsin Director Founding Member HOF Muscoda Gun Club

    Romney don't like Trump as Trump is a better businessman than him.
  4. The Phantom

    The Phantom Village Idiot Village Idiot Forum Leader

    Those in the "Politically Correct Class" are starting to show their real colors. The GOP has become a party of quitters, losers, and believers in the old adage that you have to "go along to get along." Romney's current actions are an excellent explanation for his failure in his debates with Obama. He WANTED to fail. Obamacare and RomneyCare are the same animal. By backing Hillary, he admits he has been duplicitous all along. He probably has a financial interest in the insurance business. What a "two faced" piece of garbage.

    All this media attention to Trump's recent remarks is a God-send. 1.) It honors the standing showbiz belief that "All publicity is GOOD publicity." 2. It wipes the table clean of last minute revelations later in the campaign like , "Hey, did you hear Trump call that guy a Mexican?" or, "Hey, that guy Trump is a racist because he said 'My African-American friend.' " When he pivots, and he will, everybody will forget the bad stuff because everybody is to busy to keep all that detritus in their brains. We WANT to remember the GOOD stuff, and trust me, Trump understands that. Just remember, if he was stupid, he wouldn't be where he is today.

    Our JOB, and I grant you it is a big job, is to get behind him 200%. As his supporters, we need to repeat over and over what we intuitively know will make him a great president. He is our Main Man. If Clinton wins, our America as we have known it from our childhoods, will die, never to return. It is hard to donate to a worthy cause, even the collection plate at Church. This is different. There are some really bad people out there who are trying, with all their might, to destroy this country. I would never be able to face myself if one day I found out that my grand daughter was forced to attend a mosque. Please, put your individual wants on hold for a few more months. Like the "Greatest Generation" did for us, take a stand, and then put your money where your mouth is. Cowards and traitors are everywhere. Just look at Romney, and guys like that jerk from Illinois, Kirk. WE MUST be more powerful than they are. We MUST kick their asses into the dirt, and then kick their asses again.

    We must win.