Remington1100…Changed my Mind Keeping It

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by WMN, Feb 17, 2025.

  1. WMN

    WMN Mega Poster

    Remington 1100 30inch barrel full choke fixed Carbon fiber stock shell tube adjustable comb used for black birds shooting 1200.00 shipped fun gun to shoot

    Attached Files:

  2. WMN

    WMN Mega Poster

    975.00 shipped
  3. WMN

    WMN Mega Poster

    dropping the price to 750.00$ shipped I shot trap with this gun if you don't want the full choke barrel I might have a mod barrel ??
    RS570 likes this.
  4. WMN

    WMN Mega Poster

    I'm going to keep the gun it's too nice of a gun to give away