Ponsness Warren shell feeder for a spolar

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by Hey Hey Hay, Mar 3, 2025.

  1. Hey Hey Hay

    Hey Hey Hay krieghoff k80 trap special

    I’m looking for a ponsness Warren shell feeder for a Spolar reloader! Not sure how common they are but might be worth a try!
  2. Shane317

    Shane317 Active Member

    They just cam out with a shell feed for a Spolar. I believe it is on their web page
  3. Hey Hey Hay

    Hey Hey Hay krieghoff k80 trap special

    Spolar came out with it or ponsness Warren came out with it?
  4. Shane317

    Shane317 Active Member

  5. Hey Hey Hay

    Hey Hey Hay krieghoff k80 trap special

    Yeah I’ve seen the prototype and they are expected to be in the $3000 range
  6. Shane317

    Shane317 Active Member

    It’s a nice piece - but I will put them in by hand for 3k. I have one on my PW. I think you could adapt it to the Spolar fairly easy.
  7. Hey Hey Hay

    Hey Hey Hay krieghoff k80 trap special