POLL Green targets are here! Good or Bad? POLL

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum - Americantrapshooter.com' started by merlo, May 19, 2024.


Should trapshooting keep the green targets?

  1. YES

  2. NO

  1. merlo

    merlo Mega Poster Forum Reporter

    More venues are featuring the green targets. There have been reports that those having extra lenses have an advantage. You tell me.

    I report. You decide.
    merlo out
  2. Bernardino

    Bernardino Member US Army Retired

    I love the green targets. But, I have an assortment of lenses. Any target, any background, I will shoot 'em.
  3. Skeet_Man

    Skeet_Man Mega Poster

    I see that NYSATA threw green targets for a shoot they had last week, but will throw orange dome targets for the state shoot. Seems like it'd make a lot more sense to keep it consistent one way or the other.
  4. Johnson

    Johnson Active Member

    Why should they be consistent? Isn't the sport boring enough? Are the Occupy the 27 people bitching? I say make the targets plaid if that makes the targets more challenging.
  5. ken woodworth

    ken woodworth Well-Known Member

    I shot them at the NYSATA shoot last week and they were as good as orange. Late afternoon when shooting doubles the 2nd bird shot was harder to see but that is the same with orange targets. I would like to shoot them again on some sunny days because when the sun was out they were nice targets.
    Jon Reitz likes this.
  6. ARK80

    ARK80 Active Member

    Normal lens colors work for the green! Blue tint does give a slight advantage but not necessary! It don’t matter what color, if green can get in the sky….. you will lose sight of them.