Please list present BOD and EC so we know whom to contact

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by dr.longshot, Jul 11, 2015.

  1. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    please list the Present Members of the BOD and EC with their contact information so we members can contact them

    Gary Bryant Dr.longshot
  2. Wishbone

    Wishbone Mega Poster

    That would be good information for anyone interested in change.LOL
  3. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    I have a list of them, I will dig it out and post them when I have some time ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
    dr.longshot likes this.
  4. Ed Yanchok

    Ed Yanchok Well-Known Member Founding Member

    The complete current list is posted annually in your Trap & Field average book, plus it should be on the ATA website.

    Ed Yanchok
  5. theloudone

    theloudone Guest

  6. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    The Delegates are in the book listed for each state , the list thats posted is the one I have ... The ATA would have a list of Delegates for each state ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
  7. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    The Executive list
    Pres. Rob Taylor
    6364 Tuttle Creek Blvd.
    Manhattan KS 66503

    VP. Wayne A. Morris
    150 Kings Factory Rd
    Charlestown RI 02813

    VP. John Burke
    7308 Thomas Rd.
    Alliance, NE 69301

    VP. Jim Jones
    3717 Augusta Ave.
    Butte, MT 39701

    VP. Terry Roush
    5006 Stonegate Ct.
    Greensboro, NC 27406
    no e-mail address

    ExOf. Allan Radway
    189-10960 Monte Ave.
    Mesa, AZ 85209

    SEC. Hunter Galloway
    1815 Nottingham Rd.
    Greensboro NC 27408

    TRES. Tom Burkey
    12 Kenwood Rd.
    Chambersburg, PA 17201
    No E-mail Address

    ExDir. Lynn Gipson
    No address[/email]
  8. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    Could not find BOD

    GB DLS
  9. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    I sent a request for a list of the delegates to the ATA, I'm sure they would have them all on file ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
  10. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    GB DLS
  11. Lew D. Boyko

    Lew D. Boyko Active Member

    Hold it,,,,, N, The king of the 3-hole target rule has to be included on the list as well........

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, 2015
  12. Hap MecTweaks

    Hap MecTweaks Moderator

    Lew, the moderator did it after someone else used N1H1's name in a post. The N1H1 is his new handle.

  13. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    They did forget to put Barry Roach on that list ... He is the Official Field Operations Manager in charge of operations, fields, managers, or something like that ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
  14. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    Is that an EC Position?

    GB DLS
    wpt likes this.
  15. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    Not sure, sure should be ... WPT ... (YAC) ...

    COAZTRAP Member

    The websites of each State trapshooting association should list the State ATA delegate. You can most likely make contact to that delgate through the website.

    Create your letter in a word processing program, save it, cut and paste it to each delegate through the file you created.
    dr.longshot likes this.
  17. Ed Yanchok

    Ed Yanchok Well-Known Member Founding Member

    I think not since he acts on the wishes of the EC. Remember the trouble Doc R got into when he tried to sit in on an EC meeting?

    Ed Yanchok
    dr.longshot and wpt like this.
  18. Ed Yanchok

    Ed Yanchok Well-Known Member Founding Member

    If you're an active member of the A.T.A. you sure should know who your delegate is. He/She are the only ones that can vote your wishes at the BOD meeting. All other delegates act on their own states members.

    Ed Yanchok
    dr.longshot, wpt and Wishbone like this.
  19. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    I still say if you have nothing to hide, hide nothing ... Eliminate any and all suspicion, no more problem ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
    dr.longshot likes this.
  20. phil kiner

    phil kiner Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    WPT= no one is hiding a f'ing thing and YOU KNOW IT
    get off your arrogant high horse- quit trying to stir the pot and read the GD ATA website everyone is listed no one is hiding a flipping thing. Everyone that shoots registered knows who their State delegate is or if they don't it is their fault
    sometimes when I hear the old joke about the guy that has an IQ of 53 conversing with his computer and the computer says IQ= 53 then you cannot hit a hard right from post 5. I think damn that is sooooo.. close to home it is scary
    Darren, wpt, N1H1 and 2 others like this.
  21. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    While you are here, please tell all when the vote was taken to give the state of Illinois $250,000.00. Who voted and when? Thanks for being so open. :)
  22. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    That was a secret meeting, and he was not invited, Why? Because office help was giving Doc R the information the EC wanted disclosed, then changed their minds. Because the money trail was traceable, where it should not be going, and expenses for items not to be found out, that ATA should not be paying for.
    Gary Bryant Dr.longshot
  23. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    "WPT= no one is hiding a f'ing thing and YOU KNOW IT
    get off your arrogant high horse- quit trying to stir the pot and read the GD ATA website everyone is listed no one is hiding a flipping thing. Everyone that shoots registered knows who their State delegate is or if they don't it is their fault
    sometimes when I hear the old joke about the guy that has an IQ of 53 conversing with his computer and the computer says IQ= 53 then you cannot hit a hard right from post 5. I think damn that is sooooo.. close to home it is scary" Quoted Phil Kiner ...

    Read it again, if the shoe fits wear it, if not then you do not have anything to defend ...
    "I still say if you have nothing to hide, hide nothing ... Eliminate any and all suspicion, no more problem" ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
    dr.longshot likes this.
  24. Bat

    Bat Mega Poster

    Maybe this will work out, maybe it won't, but the posts spinning things to sound like money was "given" to IL are just more baiting. Doesn't anyone realize that transactions like this happen all the time? It is an everyday occurrence for a business to do refreshes or build-outs to property it does not own. Sometimes there are adjustments to the rent, sometimes not. Generally, all the improvements end up being the property of the lessor. No difference here.
  25. Ed Yanchok

    Ed Yanchok Well-Known Member Founding Member

    He was not invited because he was not a member of the EC
  26. Lew D. Boyko

    Lew D. Boyko Active Member

    vote was 47 for and 0 against to make the donation.
  27. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    Thanks Lew for info. Do you know the date of the vote and if the delegates were told the state of Illinois would own the building?
  28. Lew D. Boyko

    Lew D. Boyko Active Member

    Family Guy, No I do not know that inf. So if the State of Illinois owns the building and
    this all goes down the tube, the ATA is only out the $250,000.00. I believe we, the members of the
    ATA are in for a bumpy ride for some years to come as the State of Illinois financial problems will not go
    away overnight. So what do we do ???, kind of like when we go to the Dr. and he says bend over. I grit my teeth
    and grap my knees and pray....

    Birddog, Lew D. Boyko
  29. HistoryBuff

    HistoryBuff US Navy Retired US Navy Retired Founding Member Forum Leader Official Historian Member State Hall of Fame

    It was reported in the Annual BOD minutes, August 13, 2014 on page 13. You can view and/or download from the ATA website.
    dr.longshot likes this.
  30. LadyT

    LadyT Mega Poster

    dr.longshot likes this.
  31. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    I have said for a long time (years) there should be females on the BOD and EC for the sake of the association and the membership ... Love to see the Good Ol' Boys club broke up ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
    dr.longshot likes this.
  32. HistoryBuff

    HistoryBuff US Navy Retired US Navy Retired Founding Member Forum Leader Official Historian Member State Hall of Fame


    I agree but to the best of my knowledge, none of the lady delegates have ever sought the position of Zone V.P.

    Arkansas was the first to elect a woman as A.T.A. Delegate back in 1928. From all I've read, Mrs. Frank J. Hixon was a good one too. She was the manager of the Waponoca Club, several times women’s champion of Arkansas. She won the Women's State title in 1928 and was elected Arkansas Delegate and was anxious that Arkansas should have representation in the national organization.

    I wonder if it will happen in our life-time?

    And, would it eventually develop into a Good Ol' Girls club?

    I really don't care who heads the A.T.A. I just want to be better informed, have all matters conducted with complete (or near complete) transparency and honesty, and have all rule changes discussed for a full year prior to the BOD voting on proposed amendments and no sweeping any of the problems under the rug as has been done. I want the Board of Directors more involved and requiring details of the major decisions by the Executive Committee. Trust but verify!
    dr.longshot and wpt like this.
  33. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    Agree with History Buff 100% ,... WPT ... (YAC) ...
    dr.longshot and Family Guy like this.
  34. HistoryBuff

    HistoryBuff US Navy Retired US Navy Retired Founding Member Forum Leader Official Historian Member State Hall of Fame

    I've contacted a Delegate friend who said he did not recall hearing any discussion about it when he voted in favor of the A.T.A.'s $250,000 donation.

    I've asked my State Association president to contact our State Delegate for his recollection of the discussion.

    For those who may feel that I may have implied that the ownership of the Trapshooting Hall of Fame museum was purposely kept from the Board of Directors, I can assure you that I don't know if it was or was not. Therefore, I made no such assertion and the assumption is yours and yours alone. Only the State & Provincial Delegates know if the Executive Committee informed them of the museum's owner. That is, if the Executive Committee had this knowledge.

    In my view, whether it matters to a potential donor or not, it should have been made very clear to all that the museum would not be deeded to the Trapshooting Hall of Fame. I would have assumed the museum would be owned by the THOF.

    Past donors and HOF Inductees who have received requests for a donation will certainly know if their communication noted that the museum and offices would be donated to the IDNR.

    Now, what happens if the World Shooting and Recreational Complex in de-funded and closed sometime in the future?
    Family Guy likes this.
  35. Lew D. Boyko

    Lew D. Boyko Active Member

    I did and found the vote was vote was 47 for and 0 against to make the donation. I did not ask if they knew who would own
    the HOF building or anything in that area. From what I am reading on here, the ATA donated $250,000.00 and someone said
    the Martians gave $1,000,000.00. Sooooo if any one should be upset I would think it would be the Martians.
    It is good we are talking about this, but nothing will happen till after the Grand and Illinois finishes their budget.
    I think we can safely say, something will happen or changes will be made. If Illinois wants out of the WSRC, and leases it to
    some other party, WHO will that other party be.
    Family Guy likes this.
  36. HistoryBuff

    HistoryBuff US Navy Retired US Navy Retired Founding Member Forum Leader Official Historian Member State Hall of Fame

    I don't know Birddog. Some years ago the Sparta mayor told me there were about 4 groups that wanted to purchase or lease the WSRC. I later found out that he was in one of the groups along the the owner of the Sparta Holiday Inn Express.

    I've always heard there is a group of ATA members on the sidelines waiting on this as well. The rumor has this group wanting to gather the shotgun shooting sports (trap, skeet & sporting clays) together under one umbrella.

    Personally, I think the shooting facility is fabulous. But, unless it is keenly managed and upgraded with a hotel and family amusements such as a water park, it will never rise to its full potential and neither will our Grand American Handicap.

    All this takes money and a lot of it. This will take a group of high financiers with a lot of creativity and gumption. Is there a group like this out there somewhere? I just don't know. Like you implied . . . . . . . . we'll just have to wait and see what happens after the 2015 Grand.
    wpt and Family Guy like this.
  37. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    Lew, I disagree.

    I am guessing the Martins knew. They got inducted didn't they? Or maybe for that reason they would not care.

    We are the ATA. Fortunately we have forum members that are doing the due diligence. Previously such underhanded tricks such as obtaining lease agreements thru Freedom of Information requests and posting it would have got you banned. This lands on our shoulders as much as our delegates.

    Lew, can you honestly tell us that information as to the ownership of the building was not important enough to be spelled out for the delegates? I would have assumed the building would have been owned by the HOF. In my opinion it should have been disclosed.

    This money/capital, came from our organization, given to a second party and was then given to the State of Illinois.

    Lew, thanks for responding to us and your constituents.
  38. Wishbone

    Wishbone Mega Poster

    I can't imagine anyone who made a substantial donation was unclear on the ownership.

    It is State land, the ATA doesn't own the property, how were they ever going to own the building?

    They could have bought land close to the complex and built a HOF and ATA Headquarters.

    If any of the Delegates were led down the garden path I think they would have spoken up by now.

    As always just my thoughts.
  39. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    I heard the rumors that History Buff heard also about some investement group if you will that was interested but only if they could of gotten all of the shooting venues together under one roof (so to speak) ... I did not know the Mayor of Sparta was involved in any group but there was speculation about the ATA members being another group, no names were named for sure but a few were mentioned ... The facility, except for a few minor set backs and somethings lacking much like the area itself could be a money maker ... I have many friends who reside in Illinois and they just laugh when they hear about things like this because it happens and as they say "Life Goes On" ...

    If there was an investment group interested they will probably raise their hands in the very near future or soon after if the State does not fund the WSRC and many eyes will be opened by such actions ... Time will tell and then we will all know for sure ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
  40. Lew D. Boyko

    Lew D. Boyko Active Member

    Family Guy,
    First, I agree with all you say. I remember reading about the $250,000.00 donation, but did not know
    about the Martins $1,000,000.00. I never heard who owned the HOF building and just assumed that the ATA owned it and had some
    kind of agreement on running the HOF between the HOF folks and the ATA. It is all this underhanded crap that has so many ATA
    members pissed off. That is also why the ATA should not even attempt to buy or lease Sparta if it came up. The ATA cannot even
    boil a hard egg and get it done without getting the egg all over their faces. If the ATA had any ability to manage anything, we would
    never had the President's getting $25,000.00 shotguns at the end of their term.
    If some other group buys the WSRC, the costs to the shooters, no matter if it is trap, skeet or sporting clays will go up. I believe the
    State of Illinois subsidised Sparta greatly and this new Group will not be able to do that or want to do that. Will it be better run, cared for
    and maintained that presently,I would say yes.
    History Buff, all what you have said, hit the nail right on the head. So, we will have to sit and wait, but that does not mean the ATA
    members should not keep on digging and asking questions.
    I am going Trout fishing.....

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 20, 2015
  41. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    The reports say the ATA has $12,000,000 (12 Million ) dollars on hand, that would last less than 6 years at the rate the place has lost money plus they would lose the tax advantage that it being a Recreational Park enjoys ... The ATA can not afford to buy into the facility unless they are dead set of bankrupting the Association before its all over ... The Martins generously invested over $550,000 in prize money over 2 years with hopes of increasing the attendance, it did not work ... The place turned out to be a money pit, and will only get worse as it ages and need more maintainance ... The investment groups if there are any left would have to look long and hard at this place before they invest any hard dollars in it ... It appears to be a loser and has proven itself over the past 10 years ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
    dr.longshot likes this.
  42. Bat

    Bat Mega Poster

    Listen, the ATA did not make a grant to IL or the IDNR, they made a grant to the HOF. Did the ATA delegates realize that any building the HOF built on land owned by the state, or any other entity for that matter, would not be "owned" cleanly like most of you own your homes? Probably some didn't understand that, although anyone in that position should know how these things work.

    If you build property on someone else's land, it would be highly unusual for you to have full rights of ownership. The owner won't want just anybody on his land, so at best you are going to have a bunch of restrictions on the uses and transferability of the property. In this case, with the state, any improvements simply become the property of the owner. Despite what some here seem to believe, this is not unusual. Good for the HOF, I don't know about that, but not unusual.
  43. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member


    We are still waiting for that long list of companies that built $2.1 million dollar buildings on sites such as a state park property. On a site where the lease can be broke quickly and without cause. I previously disputed your claim of this not being unusual but you have failed to compile that list.

    Lets say we make that list smaller. I was going to say 30 companies. How about half a dozen. Should be easy right?

    Compound the stupidity of the whole thing with the fact that this was a 501c giving to a 501c so they could give the money/capital to the bankrupt state of Illinois.

    A delegate has implied this was not mentioned.

    Waiting for that list.
    dr.longshot and wpt like this.
  44. Bat

    Bat Mega Poster

    FG, look at many large corporation's leasehold improvements. Look at many franchised businesses. Look at any business operating on municipal lands.
  45. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member


    Sure I will look at them.

    Show me the 501c orgs or companies that built a $2.1 mil building under the same conditions. Show me the list. Should be easy.....

    You cant. You wont. It is silly to attempt this justification.
  46. User 1

    User 1 Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    "look at many large corporation's leasehold improvements. Look at many franchised businesses. Look at any business operating on municipal lands." ....

    They ALL do it to MAKE MONEY .... not "donate" money for 'sh$ts and giggles' .... IF the HOF would MAKE MONEY the point may be valid .... it DOES NOT ....
  47. User 1

    User 1 Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    IF .... the HOF decided to charge a fee to visit .... it would be safe to say many would not visit.

    But .... let's say 3,500 people pay ten dollars each per-year at the Grand .... $35,000.00 per-year for the next ten year lease-cycle would be $350,000.00 of revenue for a two plus million dollar investment.

    What sense would that make to ANYONE ????? Losing money is not an art, it is stupid.
    Family Guy likes this.
  48. LadyT

    LadyT Mega Poster

    There are some people who have raised losing money to a high art form.

    AZCOTRAP Mega Poster Founding Member

    Non profits are not supposed to make profits........or lose money.

    Put the HOF on line and spend the money promoting the sport, not showcasing people from 50 years ago today's young people would rather look at using their electronic device, if they were even interested.
  50. User 1

    User 1 Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    Just to make my post(s) clear .... I did not use the word "profit(s)" ....

    I have not read anywhere that there are any 'plans' as far as making, taking-in, charging, or any other 'word' for money being generated by the HOF ....
  51. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    I don't know if the HOF is allowed to make money, depends on it's Corp. status

    Donations of money may be allowed for operating expenses though.

    GB DLS
  52. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    How would you put a museum on line, never saw one on line.

    GB DLS
  53. Bat

    Bat Mega Poster


    Back to the point, look at the ATA in Vandalia. They spent money on property they didn't own there. Same thing on smaller scale. I don't think they were paid for the abandoned improvements, but I could be wrong. What about all the clubs that built on military bases?

    You do it if it makes sense for your purpose. If Sparta ceases to be home of the ATA in near future, this will turn out to be a poor deal. That doesn't mean it was unusual.
  54. User 1

    User 1 Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    "Back to the point, look at the ATA in Vandalia. They spent money on property they didn't own there." ....

    They spent money with the intent of return .... not profit but return ....

    The HOF is going to do the same HOW ??????
  55. Bat

    Bat Mega Poster

    What's the annual lease amount for a $2.1 million property?
  56. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    I'm not sure there is a set in stone amount other then what those involved with the deal come up with ... The HOF could of done much better if they had purchased a property/building, in town, remodeled it to suit their needs and went from there, DEED in hand ... To build on State owned property is undeniably the stupidist thing anyone could of come up with ... You can buy a lot of building and do a hell of a lot of remodeling for $ 2,000,000 plus dollars especially in Sparta, Illinois ... (Google and go to Sparta, Ill and see for yourself) ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
    Family Guy likes this.
  57. Bat

    Bat Mega Poster

    wpt, as to the first sentence, it ain't cheap, we can probably agree on that. I'm in agreement with most of your other points also.
  58. User 1

    User 1 Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    If it is my money "a $2.1 million property", "property" being 'real estate' with no debt, it would be $21,000.00 a month/$252,000.00 per year in a location like that. And because of the location it would be a 20-year lease with someone that was well established enough to get the full amount. If it was a 'prime' location, the rent/lease would be more.

    "You do it if it makes sense for your purpose." .... What is the "purpose" that this makes sense ???????
  59. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    Most times when you rent or lease something its on a net, net, net agreement (building maintainance, Insurance, Taxes ..) If in a strip mall or shopping center you also pay for parking which is usually based on a percentage of sales ... I rented a store front Office (750 Sq ft) with a back room for storage so I didn't have to clutter up my home and or garage with all of the machines and supplies and to keep the War Dept (Ex Wife) from pissing and moaning about tripping over all of my stuff ... That also gave my Office Girl/ Book keeper a place to take business calls and schedule appointments with out my wife giving her dirty looks all day because she would dress nicely (casual business attire) for her job ... "Got to tell you her in a mini skirt and heels was worth looking at, just the way she was, and happily married by the way" ... The guy had the store for rent ($1250.00 per month) and it sat there for a long time (3 or 4 years) ... I was talking to him and asked if he would take $600.00 per month, he declined but we agreed on $750.00 per month, I would pay the insurance (inside) and split the taxes with him after I paid to have it painted, carpeted and made livable (useable) with a partition, and racks for machines and supplies ... This is what I mean by whatever those involved agree on ... He went from $1250, to $750.00 but it was being utilized, insured and 1/2 his taxes were being paid by me ... When I sold that business he made a deal with the buyers for whatever amount they agreed on and I was out of there ... I know they paid considerably more than I did because they were afraid to open their mouth and make him an offer like I did ... If they paid 2.1 Million to build a new building that was never going to be theirs thats down right crazy ... I would of found another way to get it and make it work with that amount of money ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
  60. Bat

    Bat Mega Poster

    User 1, exactly!

    I'm not saying it was a wise move, just pointing out to the lynch mob that it isn't unusual to build on other's land and have ownership revert to the landowner.... lease payments also chew up a ton of cash. The issue I'm pointing out is that the state taking ownership of the building isn't necessarily the problem, it is whether the HOF really needed a $2.1 million property (based on the posts here).
  61. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    They did not spend $2.1 million on a building in Vandalia. Punt again.
    It is not about "the state taking ownership". The State of Illinois owns the building from day 1. No subleasing. 60 days to get out and the relics go to the State Flea Market or the governor's mansion.

    I doubt the delegates would have voted this way had all the cards been dealt face up.

    Bat, I get you may have friends in high places here but this deal sucks for the shooters from all angles. jmho
    wpt likes this.
  62. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    Probably based more on want than need but thats another thread ... When a company deals with the State they know the bids are going to be based more on one thing than another ($) ... I had actually been told I had to pay to get a job and turned it down, was told to just add it to the bill and go from there ... I did not and eventually ended up with the job anyway after the other guy went out of business for not paying his taxes ... ( again another thread) ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
    Family Guy likes this.
  63. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    I wonder how many other items are in the closet?
    wpt likes this.
  64. User 1

    User 1 Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    That is a long way to just say paying the 2.1 million 'up-front', is equivalent to paying ten years of 'lease-payments' for a building of that value/size .......

    The arrangement is common for some 'box-store' arrangements, when they are done they just walk away .... but the display in Vandalia, something I visited many times, is in a different world than what is advantageous for a box-store and the legal property owner.
    wpt likes this.
  65. Bat

    Bat Mega Poster

    FG, you said "They did not spend $2.1 million on a building in Vandalia. Punt again." I take that to mean that it is really the dollar amount at issue then, since whether it's a building or not really makes no difference. It is just the cost that matters. Whether it was 2.1 mil in land improvements, building improvements, or a building leaves you in the same hole.

    As I said, I think $2.1 mil is quite high for the HOF's needs. That is what my complaint would have been before the recent IL mess came to light.