Perazzi Blows Up

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by 635 G, Mar 17, 2025.

  1. 635 G

    635 G Mega Poster

    Just found out from reading Tarheel Trap's "smoke report, Buddy Jensen, from Ca. had his Perazzi blow, I was told it was caused by choke tube failure, he was using Comp-N-Chokes
    THEUNLOADER likes this.
  2. Relics095

    Relics095 Member

    I met someone who had a Perazzi blow up in his face. He told me they would not fix the shotgun but offered to replace it for a fee. Now you buy a nice shotgun and it blows up, and you have to pay for another one.
  3. Ed Budreau

    Ed Budreau Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Yea a Perazzi just blew on its own. I find that very hard to believe. Was he shooting reloads?
    Did he have any weird sounding shots just before. Not buying it. JMO
    Rob 111 and THEUNLOADER like this.
  4. 635 G

    635 G Mega Poster

    could have been a choke tube that split & peeled up, I know shooting bud of mine, who noticed a S2 Bailey thin wall choke split & raised in the barrel of his Infinity- he removed it just in time
  5. Michael McGee

    Michael McGee Mega Poster Founding Member

    From my understanding, the barrel was threaded by an aftermarket company and an aftermarket choke tube was used made by a different company. How can you possibly blame Perazzi if this is true?
    Roger Coveleskie likes this.
  6. Skeet_Man

    Skeet_Man Mega Poster

    The gun did not "blow" or "blow up", not even close. The choke tube folded inward on itself and bulged/warped the muzzle of the barrel. To the guns credit, the barrel tube held solid and didn't even split, which is kinda amazing given the failure.

    The rest of the story:

    -Both barrels of a combo were threaded by Briley
    -O/U barrel set was .725 bore, Single Barrel was .740 bore, meaning each barrel took it's own series of Briley chokes (the .725 took S1s, the .740 took S54)
    -Shooter ordered aftermarket chokes from Comp-N-Chokes for the .725 bore barrel
    -Shooter subsequently installed .725 bore chokes into a .740 bore barrel, causing the choke to protrude into the bore.

    100% shooter error, not the fault of Perazzi, Briley, or Comp-N-Choke.