Singles Championship entries are up 240 over last year, which is approx. 48 Squads, which is a substantial increase, and a lot of the Credit goes to the Magnificient changes Jack Fishburn has completed, Thank you Mr. Fishburn One thing is needed yet Mr. Fishburn is to Draw For Starting Traps to make everything FAIR, This is a MUST DO. Yours in Sport Gary Bryant..........................................Dr.longshot
And the other MUST DO is to have anyone getting any kind of financial help is to have them shoot a class all to themselves.
Financial help, assistance on ammo, guns, travel etc, qualified to give clinics (lessons), free shirts, hats, blinders, glasses, selling dvd's, select banks, and parking places , and the list goes on and on ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
Doc - - the OH shoot is up. Some events more than others but there was bad weather last year. You need to look back 2 years to see how well the venue did. Compared to the year before last (when the weather was good) they are about on par.
Good point FG, a few hundred more shooters and they will have more than the grand ... Must be the location, location, or maybe the location ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
Maybe adding a weather statistic for each shoot could better help in comparison ratings? jMO. What if anything is the OSTA doing to make it better. Please don't reply more trophies.
What would that Statistic be, how would you come up with number? A lot of building going on at Cardinal to add more traps, Skeet Fields, More Sporting Clay Courses and a Pistol + Rifle range, how can you not see what is happening for a Stupid Reply GB...................DLS
They have the best facility. The numbers would be better if they had the old classification standards. Penalty A for all until you can prove otherwise. No bumping to the AAA and AA as a penalty. Penalty 23 not 25. jmho I would like to see a draw for traps but I am not convinced what the result would be. Call it something other than an ATA shoot. Different initials. Time for the American Trapshooting Organization?
Doc, I didn't say that I couldn't see the improvements. All I was trying to say is how do you compare Fantastic weather attendance numbers to those of Lousy Ohio weather at times? Sunny,Rainy,Cold,or just plain Duck Huntin Weather.
Family Guy,Your right, the Cardinal is a Fantastic facility, and it keeps getting better all the time. But for an OSTA State Shoot a Chinese Flashlight for someone Lucky winner to take home? I would think something with the OSTA , Name of the shoot, date and classification would be more of a Trophy than a cheap $0.10 Chinese Flashlight. That is, if the folks who are so dead set against Sparta and want to bring the sport back to the Buckeye State. Mr Fishburn is doing a Great Job in building a World Class facility. Just one improvement for the Rainy weather, better drainage and possibly some better driveways other than muddy ones. I know, one thing at a time, just saying.