SPRINGFIELD, Ill., April 13, 2016 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The following was released today by the Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA): Bad public policy is no remedy for social ills – that's the point ISRA members are driving home to legislators this week as the Illinois General Assembly ponders a very controversial gun control bill. If signed into law, HB3160 would arbitrarily redefine "domestic violence," ridiculously broaden the definition of "domestic partner," and reclassify many thousands of law-abidingIllinois citizens as being ineligible to own firearms. Disguised as relief for victims of domestic violence, HB3160 is nothing more than an aggressive attempt by gun control extremists to disarm a wider swath of Illinois hunters and sportsmen. .... Continuing........ "HB3160 is just bad public policy, plain and simple," continued Pearson. "The bill would turn every jilted lover, every bitter housewife, every angry son or daughter, and every meddlesome in-law into a potential judge, jury and executioner over the 2ndAmendment. Try to sneak a kiss after a date – lose your guns. Tell an off-color joke – lose your guns. Lock up the kids' Xbox – lose your guns. Tell your wife to do some sit-ups – lose your guns. Sound ridiculous? Well, that's exactly how HB3160 would re-write gun laws in Illinois."