I think trapshooting needs targets that will feature some light and some heavy. Some targets would leave the house faster and fly further. Some would be like a knuckle ball. Isn’t the sport supposed to resemble hunting? The grouse doesn’t always fly fast. And sometimes you come across a timber doodle.
Yes, find a nearby Sporting Clays course and try that. Trap (and skeet) transitioned from being "practice for hunting game birds" to being pure target sports long ago, with no intention of presenting targets resembling live birds. I'd daresay many if not most hardcore trap and skeet shooters haven't bought a hunting license in many years.
Hoosier8 you are describing Federal Targets from the 80's or 90's. They used them one year at the Grand American and the scores were awful. Those targets also had the advantage of not breaking sometimes even with 9 or 10 pellets hits. They were possibly the worst target I ever shot. The thing about hunting you can always shoot bigger shot but unless you were a shooter that would break the rules (like a past president from Ky) you were stuck with 7 1/2's.
Punched the center out of a half dozen birds last night -when know one else would load the trap machine -- Thought it was the end of the world when they came out. I'm still smiling about it?