Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by Seitz9010, Jan 26, 2016.

  1. Seitz9010

    Seitz9010 Mega Poster

    image.jpeg Merlo's headed out again. This time he's tracking down what might be another embarrassing. announcement regarding the WSC's future. With all the bickering going on between the ATA and the Illinois State Trap Association people aren't looking at the big picture.
    image.jpeg Merlo ran into two former Illinois workers once involved in the initial WSC conversations. Now it seems they're enjoying a little time off while budgetary concerns are resolved. In discussing the WSC Merlo was made aware of the real value of the WSC. Given the improvements already made to the property, power, sewer, water, roads and stuff, the state has the perfect parcel for a developer. Land for golf courses, land for apartments, condos, land for recreation fields, all set for the highest bidder which certainly wouldn't be the ATA. Let's see where this goes as Merlo's on it.

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  2. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    Developers look for location, location and if all else fails, location ... The "Strip Mined Property" that the WSRC sits on would not be a good investment for any developer being as they would also have to deal with the EPA, NAACP, and the property would be subjected to scrutiny and not meet minimal standards especially now after 10 years of dumping lead on it and into the lakes to contaminate the fish ... The only thing Sparta has going for it is the Super WalMart and the Holiday Inn, discounting the WSRC for obvious reasons ... The State could bull doze the WSRC property and build low income housing for way ward mothers and sex offenders, and Syrians as a replacement for Cabrini Green Housing Projects in Chicago and Alligator Gardens (Aultgelt Gardens) on the far south side where they used to have some really good Motor Cycle Rodeos and you and your Buddy could be the only two white guys in the place and for miles in any direction of the place ... (Been there, done that ) ... I'm not going to bet on any developer getting involved if for no other reason than Location and being to far away from civilization ... But like I always say, "You never know, you know ..?" WPT ... (YAC) ....
    Ken Cerney likes this.
  3. History Seeker

    History Seeker A NoBody Founding Member Official Historian

    Does anyone believe the All Americans give a damn where they shoot the GAH, as long as there is one ???

    I do not think so.

    Any comments been heard from any of them ?

    Just wondering since I don't have contact with these guys any more.
    wpt likes this.
  4. Seitz9010

    Seitz9010 Mega Poster

    WPT, good thoughts but no lead in water. Lead could be easily reclaimed. Will be interesting to see where money from lead ends up if it's reclaimed. I believe a big power plant was built a few years back, perhaps there might be another large project coming to a relatively close location.