Ljutic Mono

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum - Americantrapshooter.com' started by RPAD, Nov 30, 2019.

  1. RPAD

    RPAD Well-Known Member

    I have been looking at these and would like some help in deciding to go with this gun.
    Have been shooting a Citori for a long time but want a single.

    Your expert thoughts/comments would be appreciated.
  2. Columbus

    Columbus Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    I went from an XT, to a BT99, then my Ljutic mono. Don't even look at shotguns any more - the Ljutic is all I'll ever need.
    RPAD likes this.
  3. Smokintom

    Smokintom Mega Poster Founding Member

    I have 3 Ljutics. Dynatrap, Dynokic and a Mono. There great guns for sure. Mono you ask? Go for it
    RPAD likes this.
  4. BAMA

    BAMA Mega Poster

    I shoot a Dynokic (they hardly recoil) now but shot and still have my Mono I bought in the late '80s and shot for 30+ years. Best guns I've ever owned and I've owned a lot of trap guns. Not pretty but well made and have an excellent trigger that doesn't need to be adjusted, tuned, or rebuilt all the time.
    RPAD and Ga.trapshooter like this.
  5. cooter

    cooter Member

    If it shoots where you look and doesn't beat you , you'll have a gun for a life time .
    RPAD and just joe like this.
  6. RPAD

    RPAD Well-Known Member

    And they are two issue that cannot be addressed when buying online. :(