Krieghoff K20 Safe queen

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by dean scott, Mar 11, 2025 at 11:50 AM.

  1. dean scott

    dean scott Mega Poster

    IMG_5078.jpeg IMG_5079.jpeg IMG_5080.jpeg IMG_5082.jpeg IMG_5083.jpeg IMG_5084.jpeg IMG_5084.jpeg I have a K20 32 inch choke tubed barrels in the very hard to find pro sport adjustable rib version. This gun has spent most of its life in the safe used mostly for sub guage sporting clays shoots and some skeet tournaments. 20/28 guage barrels weighing exactly the same at 3lbs 7 oz. The 20 guage barrels have a fitted set of Briley ultra light tubes. Everything is in very good condition as you can see from the pics. 20 guard has 6 chokes, 28 guage has 6 chokes, and .410 has 4. All tools included for gun and tubes and comes in a 2 barrel Krieghoff Americase. Serial number is 106xxx. For you Krieghoff guys just the barrels alone are selling new for almost $6000 a peice and a year wait from Krieghoff. Also has the true right hand upgraded stock and forend factory specs. Gun weights in at 7lbs. 14oz. Price is $16500 plus shipping

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    THEUNLOADER Mega Poster Founding Member

    Very nice display ! Great pictures.
  3. Bubbaw

    Bubbaw Active Member

    WOW, what a nice K gun
  4. sport-trap

    sport-trap Sport-Trap

    Wow, super nice piece and rare K gun!