K80 upgraded wood set from Super Scroll w/ new Kick- Eez…SPF

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by RonK, Feb 16, 2025.

  1. RonK

    RonK Active Member

  2. MCTS

    MCTS Mega Poster

    RH/LH? Lop? Price??
  3. RonK

    RonK Active Member

    RH, LoP 14.25 . $1K + shipping
  4. fireman41

    fireman41 Mega Poster

    ron what barrel did this stock come off
  5. RonK

    RonK Active Member

    Step rib
  6. anthony morton

    anthony morton Mega Poster

    Extra nice, good luck
  7. RonK

    RonK Active Member

  8. RonK

    RonK Active Member

    Price reduced. $850 + shipping.
  9. trapshooter5

    trapshooter5 Mega Poster

    I never got reply from PM asking info...
  10. RonK

    RonK Active Member

    Sorry, but for whatever reason I dont see your original request. What info do you need?
  11. fireman41

    fireman41 Mega Poster

    ron you have a pm
  12. Dead A Pair

    Dead A Pair Active Member

    Hi Ron, It appears to have a longer LOP then 14.25" with the thick pad attached. Is that accurate? Thank you. Jeff
  13. trapshooter5

    trapshooter5 Mega Poster

    He told me thats the length of the wood.
  14. RonK

    RonK Active Member

    Sold - pending funds.
  15. fireman41

    fireman41 Mega Poster

    Ron got the kreighoff stock and it looks great better than the pictures thank you
  16. RonK

    RonK Active Member

    Great. Glad u like it. Enjoy.