Just dreaming about a meeting.

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum - Americantrapshooter.com' started by merlo, Jun 17, 2015.

  1. merlo

    merlo Mega Poster Forum Reporter

    Chuck : Gee guys, seems like only yesterday we were looking to find a way to liquidate that Vandalia place.

    Mikey: Yeah.....that was tough one. Had them damn voting rights to get rid of. Had lifetime membership certificates out there. Good attorney, secretary and treasurer we had then.

    Chuck: I am getting up there in years. Remind me how we did that.

    Mikey: We created a new corp. Then liquidated the assets according to that state's laws. Voting rights kinda disappeared and no life time members got any of that jack. Then off we went. Pissed those guys off in PA and OH. Longshot guy still tells the story. Never gets old.

    Johnny: What about that Blagojevich. Anyone heard from him lately?

    Chuck: Still in cell block C. In the state honors program. Cell mate gets angry if he don't shave.

    Mikey: Get over the Blago crap. We got a mess here. Blago cant rescue us. Taxpayers are pissed. Time to move to another state.

    Chuck: Just a suggestion guys. There is this other website. American Trapshooter . Let's keep it on the up and up as best we can. They stick their nose in everything. They post what they want. No one gets canned. Its not like the old days.

    Just a dream......but so many of you were there. ;)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 17, 2015
  2. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    I must have left a little too early from that meeting I posted about earlier. Missed the last part.

    Hey everyone, look, it's the Governor.

    Sit down you bunch of idiots, I have an announcement to make. I'm telling you people this before I tell the press so all of you keep your mouths shut. You've caused enough problems already. God almighty, what were you people thinking. If blago wasn't in jail for that other stuff he should be there for this screw up.

    I've decided to stop the bleeding from that place but I can't just tell the public that we are pulling the plug all at once. We are instituting a plan that will, over time, get us out from under this big ass white elephant but we have to do it slowly.

    I have decided to tell the people that go to this place that we are "shuttering" the facility for a while. We can't close it down today so we have picked September 1st. There is that shoot in August. You know, the one that all you dipshits said was going to bring in all that money.

    Well, from the reports, that didn't happen and I'm here to tell you that enough is enough. They will think that we are still 100% behind the place while in reality we are going to pull up stakes and leave someone else holding the proverbial bag.

    Are you all hearing this? If any of those reporters ask any of you any questions you tell them it just temporary. We are going to find someone, a shooting guy or whatever you call one of those people that shoots those skeets, that we have no intention of keeping it closed. This is just a "stop gap" measure. We will pump more money into it. Whatever it takes to keep all those thousands of shooters coming back. We love people that shoot skeets.

    Knock off the laughing, this isn't funny.

    They're not called skeets sir.

    What? Oh alright, that shoot clay targets. Whatever! You tell them that we are going to continue to support those organizations that use that place. What? the ATA? What the hell does that stand for? Whatever, I don't really care what they thought was going to happen, this is how we get away from this jackpot you morons got us into. Let the ATA or any of those other gun groups find another place to go. If it was up to me I would turn it into a golf course.

    What's that? They had a place in Ohio that drew three to four thousand people for one day? And you are telling me they left that place to come here and had how many for their big day last year.

    Sixteen hundred sir, give or take a few.

    Get the f.....out of here. They had sixteen hundred and the other place drew twice that?

    Sometimes more sir.

    Jesus Mary and Joseph, that's it? That was all they could get to come here?

    Yes sir. From the numbers on that ATA site that was it.

    Seems people on a website, xxxxxxxxxxxxxx or something like that, feel this is just great. They think sixteen hundred shooters on what is supposed to be their biggest day is good.

    I found another site sir. Americantrapshooter.com

    What do those people have to say?

    Mostly sir it pretty much is along the lines of, WE TOLD YOU IT WAS A MISTAKE TO GO THERE.

    Well, at least some of those people were smart enough to see the writing on the wall. Too bad some of you didn't read what they were saying. We wouldn't be in this GD mess.

    Sir, that site wasn't up and running back when that ATA group decided to come to our state. That other site, the old one, had some of the same people trying to tell the rest of them but those people usually got berated and ridiculed. I think that is why that newer site started. They criticized the ATA officials and the pro sparta people tried to belittle them.
    That's too bad. Someone should have listened. You would have thought that at least one of those ATA officials would have asked the question, what happens if the IDNR or the state government decides to close the place?

    Well sir, we promised them we would build the place and they were so happy and proud of themselves that I don't think any of them was thinking straight.

    No shit Sherlock.

    They were all delirious and we got stuck spending millions. Friggin blago, hope he's happy.

    Well gentlemen, there it is. Those are your talking points.
    We are only closing that place temporarily.
    We will keep spending good money after bad
    We have no intention of walking away from there
    The shooting complex is a great opportunity for our state
    We love having the thousands of shooters coming every August
    It's just a small period of adjustment, not the beginning of the end
    Got it? that is the company line

    HEY, you with the Greendot hat, I told you before, stop laughing, it's not funny.


    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 17, 2015
  3. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    Signed: Yours in Sport
  4. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    Now that is some funny stuff up there!

    You know Blagojevich is sitting in a cell somewhere laughing at his laptop. Probably the only person lurking more than the stooges.
  5. 214-972

    214-972 Member

    A deal made with Blagojevich using taxpayer dollars. In a state that cant afford its own pension system. o_O