If I lower the front of the Rib on my 34" Un-Single .080 how much will I raise the POI, the rear of the rib is fixed pivot point. Then adjusting my sight picture to original sight picture. I have lost my measurements for this application. Gary Bryant.........................Dr.longshot
An 1/8th of an in. is .125. You raise the POI app. 4in for every 1/8th you raise the comb or lower the rib. But remember, your shot drops 4in. at 40yds
Not allowing for gravity, lowering your bead(rib) .080 on the front will raise your point of impact approx. 2.9 inches without changing your stock height. For every I/16th washer you add under your comb to restore your sight picture, you will raise your point of impact another approx. 2 and 5/16 inches at 40 yds. out.
I can't find any information on the max POI for the Fabarms RS12 AXIS un=single, I have looked in my manuals, and every website for Fabarms, Called Caesar Gurini Friday was told they would return call, they did not, I am assuming it is 90/10 max from patterning it in the snow at 35 yards. Gary Bryant......................Dr.longshot
It would be 3.2 inches higher, but with the shot drop at 40 yards of 4 inches it should be close to a wash ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
WPT: The shot drop is already where it is, the additional height makes it a positive increase inPOI, I use 35 yards as my Point of Distance, because I shoot faster, and well before the peak of the target launch. I need a higher POI than the stock Max POI Setting. GB.......................DLS
It took me 4 hours but I got the adj. rib to it's max adjustment. then had to raise the comb to get my sight picture. GB........................DLS
The shot drop is not in the equasion. If he is looking for how much the POI will be raised from its original setting. The shot drop was already figured in. Roger C.
Thank you gentlemen, this is information I have been looking for a while now. I appreciate it......... Larry
I received a call from Caesar Guerini and they told me it was 90/10, ithe Call Came 5 days later. It really made a difference tonight, I almost won the Annie Oakley. Plus I was in a shoot off on every buddy shoot, won 3 of them. It is slowly coming back. Gary Bryant.............................Dr.longshot