Good luck Ohio State Shooters. PLEASE be safe. Stay hydrated. Very important. Especially if you are an older guy or gal (as I am). Heat stroke is very serious. Please stay alert and watch out for your fellow shooters. I am sure a lot of the older shooters have witnessed shooters passing out on the line, I have, and it is scary. Good luck, be safe and enjoy one of trapshooting's greatest venues.
Really hot today. I shot singles and then caps. Just too much. Only shooting one event tomorrow, singles, as I have a carryover. In this heat two events will really wear you out. This is supposed to be fun. Paul
I just had a thought that made me reminisce, today is the first day of any Ohio State Shoot that I have missed in over 50 years. I was down yesterday to watch our youth team compete and starting Wednesday I hope to compete the rest of the shoot, but I wasn't able to attend today. Isn't it amazing the opportunities that are out there for youngsters even through college age to compete in the shooting sports. I did shoot the 22yard 50 target event and I did manage to break 49, so I had some money coming and on our way home a friend called and asked if I wanted him to pick up my winnings because if it wasn't picked by9am this morning the money would be donated to the charity. Since I wasn't able to be there today I guess I would have lost my winnings which would have made me very unhappy. The times allotted for picking up winnings was from 6pm last evening to I guess when the miss and out was over and from 8:30 to 9am this mourning. With this short of a window to collect it seems to me that they didn't really want the winners to collect. I think that a little more thought should have went into making a decision that limited payoff time to at the most maybe 3hrs. Just my thoughts. Dave Berlet
Dave…. Thanks for being a leader and steward of the sport. The forum admins hasn’t been promoting the state shoot much this year.