Anyone know golf cart rental prices for the Ohio state shoot? I plan on calling tomorrow, just wondering if anyone knew before I called. Definitely need one for Monday, not sure about the rest of the week depending on cost. Thanks y'all.
They make you pay for the whole week not by day. It’s a racquet. Only place that I’ve been that does that. If I remember correctly it’s 350 for week
That seems unreasonable. I’ll only “need” one for Monday, as I have family coming up for the fun shoot. Seems impractical. Thanks for the info!
4 passenger $75 a day or $325 for 17-23 “week” 2 passenger $65 a day or $275 the week 2 passenger utility $70 a day or $300 the week
That is crazy 70.00 They should have a hourly rate, if you shoot just your flight time and return it should be no more then 25.00, some people do not have that money, how about the young shooters and your older shooters that still want to shoot but have a fixed income.They really need to look at this because it’s usually mandatory you have to take a cart.
I've shot the whole thing without a cart - walk or drive and park near by. But I could understand discounting it for the handicapped.
It’s not mandatory at the Cardinal, and the cart office is only open from 9-2 anyway. Wouldn’t really work with late flights.
I’ve shot a lot of trap targets at the Cardinal Center and never needed a cart. You can generally park wherever you need to shoot. Some sporting clays clubs charge well over $100/day for a cart, this really isn’t out of line compared to other clubs.