FS Perazzi HIgh Tech S /MX12/ MX2000s Stock

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by magnett, Jan 29, 2025.

  1. magnett

    magnett Mega Poster

    This is for a fixed trigger Perazzi
    Bought from Coles as unfinished factory stock ($718 cost)
    Finished and Hand Checkered by Dale Venne in WI at 24lpi ($200 cost)
    Added ISIS recoil reducer by Tronspace ($655 cost)
    Receipts included

    14 1/2 LOP 1 1/2” DAC 2 1/4” DAH Cast off 12mm and 18mm
    Right Hand palm swell
    15mm Cervellati Recoil Pad on
    22mm Cole pad included
    ISIS springs and manual

    one small scratch on finish

    $1000 shipped



    Attached Files: